Wednesday, August 20, 2008

weekly letter

August 20, 2008
Greetings to all!
The Olympics' second week offers another opportunity for reflection, this week on the notion of "excellence." We have witnessed much athletic excellence in these days.  Peter Gomes, minister of the Memorial Church at Harvard University, reflects on the more general notion of "excellence" from the vantage point of his ministry at Harvard.
     Excellence seems a rather abstract and cold virtue, for simply to be the best at what one does without reference to what one does empties the term of any moral content.  Al Capone was an excellent  gangster, very good at what he did and perhaps even the best; but surely, even in the age of the nearly universal appeal of The Sopranos, we would not hold him as an example to be emulated or as a person to be rewarded simply because he was the very best at what he did....
     When on Sunday mornings I look out at my congregation, I see ...a generational mix punctuated by a genuine spiritual hunger, an intellectual acuity, and a desire - I will even say a passion - for goodness.  Excellence and fairness are assumed, and it is good that they can be assumed, but most people would argue that as good as that is, it is not good enough.  What has moved and stimulated me over the years is the ever growing sense that young people, as self-aware a group as could be imagined, are eager to translate what they know and feel into something useful and good that they can do and be..."a capacity for greatness."
(from The Good Life)
The Scripture lessons for Sunday, August 24:
     Exodus 1:8 - 2:10
     Romans 12:1-8
     Matthew 16:13-20
Nursery Clean-up:  Lauren Fouts invites volunteers to gather on Saturday, August 23, 2pm, in Trinity Hall for some much needed cleaning of our nursery room, toys, and Sunday School supplies.  Contact the church office for more information about the work to be done and how you might help.  
Sunday Conversations continue this Sunday, August 24, 10am, in Trinity Hall as we discuss the Scripture lessons for the day, with particular attention to "Peter's Confession" in Matthew.  Stop in for a cup of coffee, join the conversation, or just listen in.

Fellowship Dinners:  Fellowship Dinners are coming in the fall.  You might remember these small group gatherings

(6 -8 persons) in various homes for a meal and fellowship.  We are currently signing up persons who would like to attend and/or host a meal in late September.  Use reply email, the sign up sheet in the sanctuary foyer, or call the church office (263-5304) to indicate your interest.  Contact Sherry Warden or Dorothy Brockopp for more information.


Men's Dinner - The next Men's Dinner is scheduled for Tuesday, September 9, 6pm, at Jo-Beth Booksellers Cafe.  Our guest for the evening will be Mr. Bill Roberts who will offer observations regarding the upcoming election season from the Republican Party perspective. (A similar program from the Democratic Party perspective will be offered in October.)  Contact Gene Brockopp for more information and/or to rsvp for dinner.


In the Community:  St. Michael's Episcopal Church (2025 Bellefonte Drive) invites the community to a "U2-Charist" (a service of Holy Communion using the music of the band "U-2") on Sunday, August 24, 5pm.  This worship opportunity is open to all ages.  Refreshments will follow the service.  Call St. Michael's (277-7511)  for more information.


Thanks, news, etc....

     *Thanks to...David Sharrard, Gene Brockopp, and Jeff DeReamer for their help re-placing the furniture in Trinity Hall after our recent floor refinishing;

      *Nell Horman represented Walnut Hill at a recent planning meeting for this fall's CROP Walk.  The CROP Walk is an ecumenical event to raise funds in support of hunger relief.  This year's CROP Walk will be held on Sunday, September 28. Watch for more details.


Peace to all.


Mike Ward      

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