Friday, December 13, 2013

Sunday at Walnut Hill Church

This Sunday, December 15, at Walnut HIll Church...


Sunday Conversations, 10am, Trinity Hall

A New Moses

We will explore Matthew's telling of the birth of Jesus as
one who comes into the world like Moses.  You might
want to read Matthew 1 & 2 in advance of our conversation.

Christmas Pageant Practice, 10am, Trinity Hall

All children and youth participating in Sunday's 
Christmas Pageant are invited to gather in Trinity Hall
for instructions, costumes, and last minute rehearsal.

Morning Worship, 11am, Sanctuary

Sermon:    Child's Play
Text :   Isaiah 11:1-10

Children's Christmas Pageant

Nursery Care and Sunday School

Walnut Hill Christmas Party, 3 - 5 pm, at the Davis Residence

Walnut Hill members and friends are invited to the Davis
residence for the annual Walnut HIll Christmas Party.  Bring
an hors-d'oeuvre item.  This gathering is intended for adults.
Use reply email or call the church office (263-5304) for 
directions to the Davis residence.


The Giving Tree:  Gifts for the Giving Tree should be brought
to Trinity Hall this Sunday (12/15).  Gifts may be wrapped (or not) 
at the donor's option.  Be sure to attach the Giving Tree ornament 
to your gift.


In case of inclement weather this Sunday (or any Sunday) affecting 
church activities, a weather advisory message will be available 
by calling the church phone (859-263-5304) at 9am.  Also,
an email message will be sent by 9am to all those who receive 
Walnut Hill's regular emails.

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