Friday, November 27, 2015

Sunday at Walnut Hill Church

This Sunday, November 29, at Walnut Hill Church …


Sunday Conversations, 10am, Trinity Hall

Evil, Suffering and a God of Love

We continue the "Living the Questions" video discussion
series exploring the age-old question of "theodicy."  How 
can God be good, while at the same time evil and suffering 
exist in the world, and in our lives?

Children's Choir, 10am, Trinity Hall

Children (thru elementary age) are invited to gather for
music and singing in anticipation of their Christmas 
presentation on December 13.

Morning Worship, 11am, Sanctuary

Sermon - The End of the World
Text - Luke 21:25-36

Nursery Care and Sunday School for Children

After Worship Gathering, Noon, Trinity Hall

All are invited to gather for refreshments and fellowship.


The Giving Tree is up in Trinity Hall decorated with
ornaments inviting gifts to support the Nathaniel Mission's
ministry this holiday season.  Pick up an ornament(s),
purchase the suggested items, and return them to the
church by Dec 13.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Greetings to all!

In light of the holiday, this week's letter is being sent a day early.  It is
easy to overlook Thanksgiving on the way to Christmas and New Year's
Day.  Yet, thanksgiving, or gratitude, is an important quality to nurture
and practice.  In her book, The Cup of Our Life, Joyce Rupp observes…

It is amazing, isn't it, how we can miss so much of life?  The key to
gratitude is surprise.  When we lose our sensitivity to wonder and awe,
when we simply trudge or zoom through the days, we can so easily
miss the daily gifts of life.  When we awaken to what is within us and
around us, when we savor, relish, and taste life fresh each day, our heart
holds more gratitude for our blessings.
Andrew Harvey writes…that if we were really looking at this world,
we would be moved a hundred times a day by the flowers at the side
of the road, the people we meet, by all that brings us messages of our
own goodness and the goodness of all things.  To be grateful is to
affirm goodness wherever we find it.  The problem with being grateful
is not the lack of countless blessings, the problem is with being
inattentive and unaware of these blessings.
One practice that has helped to reawaken my gratitude when my
thankfulness has grown lean is to take one of my five external senses
each day and be attentive to it.  One day I notice all the sounds that I
hear; another day I pay close attention to everything I see, etc.  Doing
this helps me move out of my tired approach to life.  I restore my
alertness to my daily gifts and begin again to see the universe as one
vast blessing.

The scripture lessons for Sun, Nov 29, the First Sunday of Advent…
Jeremiah 33:14-16
Psalm 25:1-10
1 Thessalonians 3:9-13
Luke 21:25-36

Sunday Conversations continue this Sun, Nov 29, 10am, in Trinity
Hall.  We continue the "Living the Questions" video discussion series.
Come, enjoy a cup of coffee, join the conversation, or just listen in.

Children's Choir - Children (thru elementary age) are invited to gather
this Sun, Nov 29, 10am, in Trinity Hall.  The children are preparing for
their Christmas presentation on Dec 13.

Holiday Giving -Take note of the following special giving opportunities 
available this holiday season as part of Walnut Hill's partnership with the 
Nathaniel Mission.
*The Giving Tree will be up in Trinity Hall beginning Nov 29 with 
"ornaments" inviting gifts of socks, caps, gloves, etc.  Stop by, pick up an 
ornament, purchase the suggested items, and return them by Dec 13.
*Christmas Backpacks - Walnut Hill is sponsoring 20 backpacks 
($25/each) for homeless individuals around Lexington.  The Nathaniel 
Mission will use our sponsorship donations to purchase the backpacks and 
their contents.  Make your check payable to Walnut Hill Church, designated 
"Christmas Backpacks."

Walnut Hill "Cookie Swap" - Thanks to all of our cookie makers and
tasters who contributed to last Sunday's "cookie swap."  The cookie
recipes are being collected into a Walnut Hill "Cookie Book."  You may still 
submit cookie recipes by placing them in the basket in the Sanctuary foyer.

The Christmas Potluck is coming on Sun, Dec 6, immediately after morning 
worship.  Bring a salad, side dish, or dessert, and join us for this delicious 
Walnut Hill tradition.

Advent/Christmas Dates to remember:
Sun, Dec 6, Noon - Christmas season potluck
Sun, Dec 13, 11am - Children's Christmas presentation
Sun, Dec 13, 5:30pm - Youth Christmas party
Sun, Dec 20, 11am - Christmas Communion
Sun, Dec 20, 3pm - Christmas Party
Thu, Dec 24, 5pm - Family Christmas Eve Worship
Thu, Dec 24, 9pm - Chistmas Eve Evening Prayer

Happy Thanksgiving!

Mike Ward

Friday, November 20, 2015

Sunday at Walnut Hill Church

This Sunday, November 22, at Walnut Hill Church …


Sunday Conversations, 10am, Trinity Hall

Living the Questions

We return to the video discussion series, Living the Questions,
which invites participants to reflect upon and discuss questions 
of faith in our 21st century context. 

Children's Choir, 10am, Trinity Hall

Children (thru elementary age) are invited to gather for music
and singing in preparation for their Christmas presentation on
Sunday, December 13.

Morning Worship, 11am, Sanctuary

Sermon - What Is Truth?
Text - John 18:33-38a

Nursery Care and Sunday School for children and youth.

After Worship Gathering, Noon, Trinity Hall

All are invited to gather for refreshments and fellowship.

"Walnut Hill Cookie Swap" during the after worship gathering.
Cookie bakers are invited to bring 1 dozen of their favorite 
cookies, along with the recipe. The recipes will be gathered 
and compiled into a "Cookie Cook Book" for Walnut Hill members 
and friends.  If you are not a cookie baker, simply come and 
enjoy the cookies!

Thanksgiving Worship, 6pm, Quinn Chapel AME

The Southside Ecumenical Cooperative (including Walnut Hill) is 
sponsoring Thanksgiving worship at Quinn Chapel AME Church
(744 Charles Ave). An offering will be received to benefit the
Catholic Action Center.  Non-perishable food items (to benefit
God's Pantry) are also welcome.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Greetings to all!

This Sunday, November 22, is the Sunday of Christ the King, an opportunity to
consider what our lives and the world might be like if (when) the Way of Christ 
is given full expression within and among us.  Jesus never claimed such "kingship" 
for himself, but we ascribe it to him as a declaration of our allegiance to the Way of 
Love for God and neighbor.  In these days of competing allegiances, including 
potentially destructive ones, the Way of Love seems a worthwhile focus for our 
heart, mind, soul, and strength.   

The scripture lessons for Sunday, November 22, Christ the King…
2 Samuel 23:1-7
Revelation 1:4-8
John 18:33-38a

Sunday Conversations continue this Sun, Nov 22, 10am, in Trinity Hall.  This 
Sunday we return to the "Living the Questions" video discussion series.  Come 
enjoy a cup of coffee, join the conversation, or just listen in. 

Children's Choir - Children (thru elementary age) are invited to gather for music 
and singing this Sun, Nov 22, 10am, in Trinity Hall as they prepare for the Children's 
Christmas Pageant on December 13.

"Walnut Hill Cookie Swap" during the after worship gathering this Sun, Nov 22.  
Cookie bakers are invited to bring 1 dozen of their favorite cookies, along with the 
recipe. The recipes will be gathered and compiled into a "Cookie Cook Book" for 
Walnut Hill members and friends.  If you are not a cookie baker, simply come and 
enjoy the cookies!

Ecumenical Thanksgiving Worship - The Southside Ecumenical Cooperative
(including Walnut Hill) is sponsoring Thanksgiving worship on Sun, Nov 22, 6pm,
 at Quinn Chapel AME Church (744 Charles Ave).  An offering will be received to 
benefit the Catholic Action Center.  Non-perishable food items (to benefit God's Pantry) 
are also welcome.

Holiday Giving -Take note of the following special giving opportunities available
this holiday season as part of Walnut Hill's partnership with the Nathaniel Mission.
*Thanksgiving Stuffing/Dressing - Fully funded, Thank you!
*The Giving Tree will be up in Trinity Hall beginning Nov 29 with "ornaments"
inviting gifts of socks, caps, gloves, etc.  Stop by, pick up an ornament, purchase the
suggested items, and return them by Dec 13.
*Christmas Backpacks - Walnut Hill is sponsoring 20 backpacks ($25/each) for 
homeless individuals around Lexington.  The Nathaniel Mission will use our sponsorship
donations to purchase the backpacks and their contents.  Make your check payable to 
Walnut Hill Church, designated "Christmas Backpacks."

A Community Conversation was held this past Sunday, Nov 15, to receive and
discuss ideas gathered by the Long Range Planning Committee.  Thanks to the 30
persons who participated.  Copies of the meeting presentation are available in 
the Sanctuary foyer and by request from the church office.

Exploring Our Spirituality, season 8, concluded this week.  Thanks to all who
participated through attendance on Sunday morning, leadership/hosting/participation 
in an EOS small group, and/or individual study and reflection.  Watch for EOS to return 
next spring!

Peace to all.

Mike Ward

Friday, November 13, 2015

Sunday at Walnut Hill Church

This Sunday, November 15, at Walnut Hill Church …

Week 6 - "Following Jesus Today"

Sunday Conversations, 10am, Trinity Hall 

Christianity as a Spiritual Path

What is the essence of the Christian tradition, a set of
beliefs or a way of practice?  We will explore this question
beginning with a brief video featuring the late theologian,
Marcus Borg. 

Children's Choir, 10am, Trinity Hall

Children through elementary age are invited to gather
for music and singing in preparation for their Christmas
presentation on December 13.

Morning Worship, 11am, Sanctuary

Sermon - I Call Myself a Christian
Text - Mark 1:16-20

Nursery Care and Sunday School for Children

After Worship Gathering, Noon, Trinity Hall

All are invited to gather for refreshments and fellowship.

A Community Conversation, 3:30pm - 5:00pm, Trinity Hall

All are invited to gather for conversation about worship,
education, and fellowship at Walnut Hill.  The long range
planning team will share goals, ideas, and recommendations
gathered over the last several months.  Your responses,
questions, and additional ideas are welcome.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

A Community Conversation

Dear Walnut Hill Members and Friends:

You are invited to a community conversation this 
Sunday, November 15, 3:30pm - 5:00pm, at Walnut 
Hill Church. Nursery care for young children will 
be provided.

The topic of Sunday's conversation will be worship,
education, and fellowship at Walnut Hill Church.

The Long Range Planning Team will present ideas, 
recommendations, and goals gathered and developed 
over the last several months. You are invited to share 
your responses, questions, and ideas.

Future conversations (dates to be announced) will 
include areas of community, leadership, governance, 
buildings, and grounds.

We hope to see you Sunday afternoon!


Mike Ward

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Greetings to all!

Today is Veterans Day, an occasion to remember and thank men and women who have 
served our country in various times and places.  It is also an occasion to consider our 
responsibility to those whose service has left them injured in body or spirit.  Thinking 
about that responsibility I am reminded of the words of Abraham Lincoln from his Second 
Inaugural Address.

With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to 
see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; 
to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan - to do 
all which may achieve and cherish a just, and a lasting peace, among ourselves, and with 
all nations.

The scripture lessons for Sunday, November 15…
Mark 1:16-20; 2:13-14
John 1:35-51; 4:1-42

Sunday Conversations continue this Sun, Nov 15, 10am, in Trinity Hall as we conclude 
our discussions prompted by the EOS season theme, "Following Jesus:  A New Look."  
Come enjoy a cup of coffee, join the conversation, or just listen in.

Children's Choir - Children (thru elementary age) are invited to gather for music and 
singing this Sun, Nov 15, 10am, in Trinity Hall as they prepare for the Children's 
Christmas Pageant on December 13.

A COMMUNITY CONVERSATION will be held on Sunday, Nov 15, 3:30 - 5:00pm to receive 
and discuss goals, objectives, and ideas that have been gathered over the last several 
months by the Long Range Planning Committee.  The Nov 15 conversation will focus 
on the areas of Worship, Education, and Fellowship. Future conversations will focus on 
areas of Leadership, Governance, Buildings, and Grounds.  All Walnut Hill Members and 
Friends are encouraged to attend. Your ideas and thoughts are needed.  Nursery care will 
be provided.

EOS FALL 2015 Exploring Our Spirituality, "Following Jesus - A New Look," including 
Sunday Conversations, morning worship, individual study, and small group fellowship is 
ongoing. To view an online version of this fall's workbook, visit EOS Fall 2015 Workbook .  
EOS season sermon recordings are available via the Walnut Hill website, Audio Recordings .

The Annual Congregational Meeting was held last Sunday, November 8, including the
election of Vestry members and officers and the approval of the 2016 budget and pastor's
terms of call.  If you happened to miss the meeting, you may pick up a meeting packet
in the foyer of the Sanctuary or request one by reply email.

Looking Ahead:
*Sun, Nov 22 -  "Walnut Hill Cookie Swap" during the after worship gathering.  You
are invited to bring 1 dozen of your favorite cookies, along with the recipe.  Our host for the day,
Ginger Martin, will gather the recipes and compile a "Cookie Cook Book" for Walnut Hill
members and friends.
*Sun, Nov 22, 6pm - Ecumenical Thanksgiving Worship at Quinn Chapel AME
Church (744 Charles Ave).

Peace to all.

Mike Ward

Friday, November 6, 2015

Sunday at Walnut Hill Church

This Sunday, November 8, at Walnut Hill Church…

Week 5 - Jesus Taught: The Great Commandments

Sunday Conversations, 10am, Trinity Hall

Response Ability

We will explore the notion of "compassion" beginning
with a brief video presentation by the Scottish poet and
scholar John Philip Newell.

Children's Choir, 10am, Trinity Hall

Children (thru elementary age) are invited to gather
for music and singing in preparation for their Christmas
presentation on Sunday, December 13.

Morning Worship, 11am, Sanctuary

Sermon - Loving Our Enemies
Text - Matthew 5:43-48

Nursery Care and Sunday School for Children

Congregational Meeting, Noon, Sanctuary

The annual meeting of the congregation of Walnut Hill
Church will be held immediately after morning worship.
Business items include the election of Vestry members
and officers, as well as presentation of the 2016 budget 
and pastor's terms of call.  All Walnut Hill Church Members 
and Friends are encouraged to attend.

Youth Gathering, 5:30pm, Trinity Hall

Youth (middle and high school) are invited to gather
for a meal and activities.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Greetings to all!

   In her memoir, The Spiral Staircase, scholar and author Karen Armstrong shares 
her discovery of "compassion" as a potential unifying theme across religious traditions.

   My life changed after the publication of A History of God.  The book was a success … 
and I began to travel widely.  But my work continued to revolve around the centrality of 
compassion. When I wrote an essay about Genesis in In the Beginning, I found that the 
struggle to achieve harmonious relations with our fellows brings human beings into God's 
presence; that when Abraham entertained three strangers, making room for them in his 
home and giving them all the refreshment he could on their journey, this act of practical
compassion led directly to a divine encounter…I learned that the practice of compassion 
and social justice had been central to the cult of [Jerusalem] from the earliest times, and 
was especially evident in Judaism and Islam. I discovered that in all three of the religions 
of Abraham, fundamentalist movements distort the tradition they are trying to defend by 
emphasizing the belligerent elements in their tradition and overlooking the insistent and
crucial demand for compassion.

(Armstrong followed up her discovery by promoting the "Charter for Compassion" , which 
has been adopted by numerous communities around the world.)

The scripture lessons for Sunday, November 8 …
-Luke 10:25-37
-Matthew 5:43-48

Sunday Conversations continue this Sun, Nov 8, 10am, in Trinity Hall. Our 
conversation is guided by the current EOS theme, Following Jesus: A New Look
with particular attention to the topic "Jesus Taught: The Great Commandments."  
Come enjoy a cup of coffee, join the conversation, or just listen in.

Children's Choir: Children (through elementary age) are invited to gather this Sun, 
Nov 8, 10am, in Trinity Hall for music and singing in anticipation of the children's 
Christmas presentation on Dec 13.

The Annual Meeting of the Congregation of Walnut Hill Church will be held on
Sunday, November 8, immediately after morning worship.   The primary items
of business include the election of Vestry members and officers, the presentation
of the 2016 budget, and action on the Pastor's terms of call.  All Walnut Hill Church
Members and Friends are encouraged to attend.

Youth (middle and high school) are invited to gather for a meal and activities this 
Sunday, November 8, 5:30 - 7:00pm, at Walnut Hill.

A Community Conversation will be held on Sunday, Nov 15, 3:30 - 5:00pm 
to receive and discuss goals, objectives, and ideas that have been gathered
over the last several months by the Long Range Planning Committee.  The
Nov 15 conversation will focus on the areas of Worship, Education, and Fellowship.
Future conversations will focus on areas of Leadership, Governance, Buildings,
and Grounds.  All Walnut Hill Members and Friends are encouraged to attend.
Your ideas and thoughts are needed.  Nursery care will be provided.

EOS FALL 2015 Exploring Our Spirituality, "Following Jesus - A New Look,"
including Sunday Conversations, morning worship, individual study, and small 
group fellowship is ongoing. To view an online version of this fall's workbook, visit
 EOS Fall 2015 Workbook .  EOS season sermon recordings are available via the 
Walnut Hill website, Audio Recordings .

Thanksgiving Dressing - The holiday season is upon us, and once again 
Walnut Hill has been asked to provide the stuffing/dressing for the Nathaniel
Mission Community Thanksgiving Meal.  We have agreed to provide 80 pounds
of dressing for the 300 or so persons who will be attending.  We are seeking
16 sponsors ($20/each) to underwrite the cost.  Make checks payable to 
Walnut Hill Church (designated "dressing").

Peace to all.

Mike Ward