Friday, May 31, 2019

Sunday at Walnut Hill Church

This Sunday, June 2, at Walnut Hill Church…


Blessed Are…10am, Trinity Hall

Blessed Are the Pure in Heart…

We continue our exploration of the Beatitudes (Matt 5:1-12),
discussing the 6th beatitude, "Blessed are the pure in heart…"
You might want to view this brief video ( Pure in Heart ) in
anticipation of Sunday's conversation.

Nursery care available for young children.

Morning Worship, 11am, Sanctuary

Sermon - Go To Jail!

The Sacrament of Holy Communion

Faith Formation, 11am, Trinity Hall

Nursery care and classes for all children and youth.

After Worship Gathering, Noon, Trinity Hall

All are invited to gather for fellowship and refreshments.


Nathaniel Mission Summer Camps - You are invited to bring 
craft supplies (e.g. pencils, crayons, glue, scissors, paper, etc), 
as well as children's books in good condition, to support the 
Nathaniel Mission's summer camp programs. Look for the 
collection box in the Sanctuary foyer.


SPRING STORMS - The central section of the U.S. has been
battered by recent tornadoes and floods.  You may donate to
support relief efforts this Sunday or next at Walnut Hill, cash
and checks (payable to Walnut Hill, memo: Spring Storms).  
Walnut Hill contributions will be sent to the affected area via 
our partner Church World Service.  Visit Spring Storms for a 
CWS situation and response report.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Greetings to all!

Thursday, May 30, marks the Ascension of the Lord, forty days after Easter
according to the chronology of Acts 1:1-11 . The story of the ascension of 
the Lord is clearly one of theological affirmation rather than historical report,
which is not to lessen its credibility, but to remind us that the wonder of the 
story is not a case of anti-gravity but rather the triumph of something(one)
as powerless and fragile as Love.  Thomas Keating reflects…

The grace of the ascension enables us to perceive the irresistible power of
the Spirit transforming everything into Christ despite any and all appearances
to the contrary.  In the misery of the ghetto, the battlefield, the concentration
camp; in the family torn by dissension; in the loneliness of the orphanage,
old-age home, or hospital ward…the light of the ascension is burning with
irresistible power.  This is one of the great intuitions of faith.
(from Active Meditations for Contemplative Prayer)

The lectionary texts for June 2, the Seventh Sunday of Easter…

Blessed Are…an exploration of the Beatitudes of Jesus (Matthew 5:1-12),
continues this Sun, June 2, 10am, with a consideration of the 6th beatitude, 
"Blessed are the pure in heart…", including commentary by Thomas Merton.  
Use reply email to request a copy of the participant guide for this Sunday's 

Walnut Hill reaching out…
*Nathaniel Mission Summer Camp - You are invited to donate craft supplies
(paper, crayons, pencils, scissors, etc) for the Nathaniel Mission summer
camp program.  Look for the collection box in the foyer of the Sanctuary.
*U.S. Tornadoes/Flooding - You are invited to donate by cash/check
(payable to Walnut Hill Church, memo: Spring Storms) to support relief
and recovery for persons affected by recent storms and flooding.  Walnut Hill 
donations will be sent to the area via our partner, Church World Service.
*Hope Center - As you travel this summer, remember that Walnut Hill is
collecting travel-size toiletry items (soap, shampoo, toothpaste, etc) for
guests at the Hope Center.  Look for the collection box in the Sanctuary

The Walnut Hill Bike Ride is coming on Saturday, June 29.  There are
plenty of ways for you to support this event.  Use reply email to inquire.

Sunday Hospitality - Visit our online sign-up sheet to see opportunities to 
host our Sunday refreshments.  When you see a Sunday that works for you, 
follow the simple instructions to sign-up.  You may also use the traditional 
sign up sheets in the Sanctuary foyer and Trinity Hall. Thanks to all our hosts.

Peace to all.

Mike Ward

P.S. - You can find Walnut Hill Church…
…on the web at
…on Facebook at Walnut Hill Church
…on Instagram at walnuthillchurchky

Friday, May 24, 2019

Sunday at Walnut Hill Church

This Sunday, May 26, at Walnut Hill Church…

Memorial Day Weekend

Blessed Are…, 10am, Trinity Hall

Blessed are the merciful…

We continue our exploration of the Beatitudes (Matt 5:1-12)
as we consider the fifth beatitude, "Blessed are the merciful."
You might want to view this video ( Mercy ) in preparation
for Sunday's conversation.

Nursery care available for young children.

Confirmation Study, 10am, Trinity Hall

Youth meet to explore their relationship to God and Church.

Morning Worship, 11am, Sanctuary

Sermon - Lydia
Text - Acts 16:9-15

Memorial Day Acknowledgment

Faith Formation, 11am, Trinity Hall

Nursery care and classes for children and youth.

After Worship Gathering, Noon, Sanctuary

All are invited to gather for fellowship and refreshments.


Nathaniel Mission Summer Camps - You are invited to
bring craft supplies (e.g. pencils, crayons, glue, scissors,
paper, etc), as well as children's books in good condition, 
to support the Nathaniel Mission's summer camp programs.
Look for the collection box in the Sanctuary foyer.


SPRING STORMS - The central section of the U.S. has been
battered by recent tornadoes and floods.  You may donate to
support relief efforts this Sunday or next at Walnut Hill, cash
and checks (payable to Walnut Hill, memo: Spring Storms).  
Walnut Hill contributions will be sent to the affected area via 
our partner Church World Service.  Visit Spring Storms for a 
CWS situation and response report.


CATALPA IN BLOOM - The Catalpa tree in the midst of
the playground is in bloom, a spectacular display!  Perhaps 
some blooms will remain on Sunday.  Be sure to have a

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Greetings to all!

Memorial Day is upon us, the informal beginning of summer and, more
importantly, the day to remember those who have died in the service of
our country.  While not a "church holiday," it is nonetheless worthy of the
church's attention and its prayers…

Gracious God:
Your desire for the earth and its inhabitants is Peace,
but our experience has often included war,
which has cost us much in blood and treasure.
We pray for those men and women
who have given of themselves to the last measure
in the wars that have been part of our nation's history.
We honor their sacrifice and mourn with their survivors.
May their memory inspire us to work for the day
when nation shall not rise up against nation,
and neither shall they practice war any more.

Anne Atchison, a member of Walnut Hill Church, departed this life on
May 20, 2019.  Arrangements for Anne include a service at Walnut Hill
Church on Friday, May 24, 11am.  Visit Milward Funeral Directors for more

The lectionary texts for May 26, the Sixth Sunday of Easter…

Blessed Are…an exploration of the Beatitudes of Jesus (Matt 5:1-12)
continues this Sunday, 10am, as we consider the 5th beatitude, "Blessed
are the merciful…"  Use reply email to request a study guide, which may
be used for individual reflection and/or to prepare for Sunday's
conversation. You might also want to check out this video (Mercy) as part
of your reflection/preparation.

Nathaniel Mission Summer Camp- We are currently gathering craft
supplies (pencils, crayons, paper, scissors, tape, etc) and children's books 
in support of the Nathaniel Mission's summer camp program.  Bring your 
donated items to Walnut Hill this Sunday or next. Cash/check donations
are also welcome.  Make your check payable to Walnut Hill Church 
(memo: Nathaniel Mission).

The Ration Challenge: Church World Service is sponsoring "The Ration
Challenge," June 16 - 23, to raise awareness of the experience of
refugees around the world, as well as to raise funds to support those
ministering with and to refugees.  Visit The Ration Challenge for more

Thanks to all those who made last Sunday's spring potluck a "delicious"
success including our "chicken runners," kitchen team, chefs and diners.
It was a festive occasion!

Peace to all!

Mike Ward

P.S. - You can find Walnut Hill Church…
…on the web at
…on Facebook at Walnut Hill Church
…on Instagram at walnuthillchurchky

Friday, May 17, 2019

Sunday at Walnut Hill Church - SPRING POTLUCK

This Sunday, May 19, at Walnut Hill Church…


Blessed Are…,10am, Trinity Hall

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness…

We continue our exploration of the Beatitudes (Matt 5:1-12)
with conversation around the 4th beatitude, Blessed are 
those who hunger and thirst for righteousness…, including
commentary by Cynthia Bourgeault.

Confirmation Study, 10am, Trinity Hall

Youth gather to explore their relationship to God and the Church.

Morning Worship, 11am, Sanctuary

Sermon - And There Was No More Sea

Recognition of Graduates

Faith Formation, 11am, Trinity Hall

Nursery Care and Classes for children and youth…

"Loving Others as God Loves Us" (John 13:31-35)

SPRING POTLUCK, Noon, Trinity Hall

Bring a salad, side dish, or dessert and join us for this
delicious Walnut Hill tradition.

Nathaniel Mission Summer Camps - You are invited to
bring craft supplies (e.g. pencils, crayons, glue, scissors,
paper, etc) as well as children's books in good condition, 
to support the Nathaniel Mission's summer camp programs.
Look for the collection box in the Sanctuary foyer.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Greetings to all!

We are in the midst of several Sundays considering Jesus' Beatitudes
(Matt 5:1-12) during the 10am hour (see below). It is not too late to share 
in rediscovering, or discovering for the first time, these extraordinary 
teachings of Jesus. Cynthia Bourgeault, spiritual author/teacher, comments…

If you were raised Christian, you are probably familiar with the beatitudes.
They're one of the "top three" texts that you get to memorize in Sunday
school.  These eight short sayings lay out Jesus's core teaching in a
wonderfully concentrated and compelling format.  Curiously, of all his
teachings they are also the least commentated upon by the church
fathers and theologians - most likely…because they are clearly non-dual
teachings of the highest order, and most of the church still isn't there yet…
(as found in The Wisdom Jesus)

The lectionary texts for May 19, the Fifth Sunday of Easter…

Blessed Are…an exploration of the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12) of Jesus, 
continues this Sun, May 19, 10am, in Trinity Hall, as we consider the fourth
beatitude, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness…," 
including commentary by Cynthia Bourgeault. Use reply email to request a 
participant guide for your individual reflection and/or preparation for Sunday's 

THE SPRING POTLUCK is coming on Sunday, May 19, immediately after
morning worship.  Bring a salad, side dish, or dessert, and join us for this
delicious Walnut Hill tradition. See and share the potluck Facebook and
Instagram posts.

Calling all Graduates - As is our recent tradition, we would like to recognize
Walnut Hill graduates, particularly high school graduates, on the day of our
Spring Potluck (May 19).  If you have a graduate in your family, come
prepared to "shout out" on that day.  If you have a high school graduate in
your household, please let us know in advance, so that we might celebrate
her/him appropriately.

Walking Through Scripture, a practice of weekly Bible reading, is ongoing
a we make our journey through the 3-year lectionary cycle.  Look for your 
next "walking guide" this Sunday in the Sanctuary foyer, or request one by 
reply email.  Now is the time to (re)subscribe for Mike's weekly reflections
on the Sunday lessons.  Use reply email to (re)subscribe.

The Nathaniel Mission will be offering day camp programs this summer
for children in the Cardinal Valley area.  You can help by donating craft
supplies such as pencils, crayons, scissors, glue, tape, paper, etc, as well 
as children's books in good condition. Look for a collection box in the foyer
of the Sanctuary.

The 8th Annual Walnut Hill Bike Ride is coming on Sat, June 29.  This
year's ride will benefit children in the Athens Chilesburg and Brenda Cowan
School districts.  Mark the date on your calendar, and watch for more
information regarding participation and volunteer opportunities.  Let us
know if your business might like be a "sponsor" for the event.

Peace to all.

Mike Ward

P.S. - You can find Walnut Hill Church…
…on the web at
…on Facebook at Walnut Hill Church
…on Instagram at walnuthillchurchky

Friday, May 10, 2019

Sunday at Walnut Hill Church

This Sunday, May 12, at Walnut Hill Church…

Mother's Day

Blessed Are…10am, Trinity Hall

Blessed are the meek…

We continue our exploration of the Beatitudes (Matt 5:1-12)
with conversation regarding the saying "Blessed are the
meek…," including the comments of Pope Francis. What
does it mean to be "meek?"  What do the meek "inherit?"

Confirmation Study, 10am, Trinity Hall

Youth gather to explore their relationship to God and the Church.

Morning Worship, 11am, Sanctuary

Sermon - A Beautiful Person
Text - Acts 9:36-43
Mother's Day Prayers

Faith Formation, 11am, Trinity Hall

Nursery care and classes for children and youth.

"The Lord Is My Shepherd…" (Psalm 23) - celebrating God's
gifts of life and grace.

After Worship Gathering, Noon, Trinity Hall

All are invited to gather for fellowship and refreshments.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Greetings to all!

In light of Mother's Day upcoming (May 12) and the occasion to celebrate
and give thanks for those women who have nurtured us in our living,
consider this adaptation of a poem by Maya Angelou as found in the book,
Woman Prayers.

I have so much I can teach her
And pull out of her.
I would say you might encounter defeats
But you must never be defeated.
I would teach her to love a lot.
Laugh a lot at the silliest things
And be very serious.
I would teach her to love life,
I could do that.

Another school shooting occurred yesterday.  This one in Denver.  Might
the frequency of such events not cause us to be fearful or uncaring.  Rather,
might our "mourning" for those affected lead us to become engaged in efforts
to reduce violence in our society.  A place to begin might be a 2016 statement
on "Gun Violence" published by the Kentucky Council of Churches.  To
access the statement, visit KCC Policy Statements and scroll down to the
"Gun Violence" tab. 

The lectionary texts for May 12, the Fourth Sunday of Easter…

Blessed Are…, an exploration of the Beatitudes (Matt 5:1-12) continues this 
Sunday, 10am, as we consider the 3rd beatitude, "Blessed are the meek…"
Use reply email to request to request a reflection guide, which may be used
for individual study and/or to prepare for our conversation.

THE SPRING POTLUCK is coming on Sunday, May 19, immediately after
morning worship.  Bring a salad, side dish, or dessert, and join us for this
delicious Walnut Hill tradition.

Calling all Graduates - As is our recent tradition, we would like recognize
Walnut Hill graduates, particularly high school graduates, on the day of our
Spring Potluck (May 19).  If you have a graduate in your family, come
prepared to "shout out" on that day.  If you have a high school graduate in
your household, please let us know in advance, so that we might celebrate
her/him appropriately.

Walking Through Scripture, a practice of weekly Bible reading, is ongoing
a we make our journey through the 3-year lectionary cycle.  Look for your 
next "walking guide" this Sunday in the Sanctuary foyer, or request one by 
reply email.

The 8th Annual Walnut Hill Bike Ride is coming on Sat, June 29.  This
year's ride will benefit children in the Athens Chilesburg and Brenda Cowan
School districts.  Mark the date on your calendar, and watch for more
information regarding participation and volunteer opportunities.

Peace to all.

Mike Ward

P.S. - You can find Walnut Hill Church…
…on the web at
…on Facebook at Walnut Hill Church
…on Instagram at walnuthillchurchky

Friday, May 3, 2019

Sunday at Walnut Hill Church

This Sunday, May 5, at Walnut Hill Church….


Blessed Are…, 10am, Trinity Hall

Blessed are they that mourn…

Our exploration of the Beatitudes (Matt 5:1-12) continues as we 
consider the second beatitude, "Blessed are they that mourn…," 
with particular attention to an interpretation by the late Clarence 
Jordan, a co-founder of Koinonia Farm.

Nursery care available for young children.

Confirmation Study, 10am, Trinity Hall

Youth gather to explore their relationship to God and the Church.

Morning Worship, 11am, Sanctuary

Sermon - Tying Up Loose Ends
Text - John 21:1-24

The Sacrament of Holy Communion

Faith Formation, 11am, Trinity Hall

Nursery Care and Classes for Children and Youth.

The Conversion of Saul (Paul) - Acts 9:1-19

After Worship Gathering, Noon, Trinity Hall

All are invited to gather for fellowship and refreshments.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Greetings to all!

The first Thursday in May is traditionally observed as the National Day of Prayer.  
While observances vary from place to place, it is an appropriate day to pause for 
a moment to reflect upon and offer prayer for our life together as a nation. Indeed, 
there is much for which to give thanks, as well as much regarding which to be
concerned. Such is the nature of our life together.  Consider this prayer for your use…

Almighty God, ruler of all the peoples of the earth,
forgive, we pray, our shortcomings as a nation;
purify our hearts to see and love the truth;
give wisdom to our counselors
and steadfastness to our people;
and bring us at last to the fair city of peace,
whose foundations are mercy, justice, and goodwill,
and whose builder and maker you are;
through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

(Woodrow Wilson, as found in the Book of Common Worship)

The lectionary texts for May 5, the Third Sunday of Easter…

Internet and Social Media - Be sure to check out Walnut Hill's new internet and 
social media presence including our new…
…Walnut Hill Church Website (
…Facebook page - search Walnut Hill Church
…Instagram page - search walnuthillchurchky

Host(s) needed - Speaking of the website, visit our hospitality page to sign up for 
hosting our after worship gathering for a Sunday soon, including this Sunday, May 5.  
Thanks to all our hosts!

The Spring Potluck is coming on Sunday, May 19.  Bring a salad, side dish, or
dessert and join us for this delicious Walnut Hill tradition.

Cycling Ride -  The eighth annual Walnut Hill Church Cycling Ride will be held on 
Saturday, June 29.  This year we will be partnering with Bluegrass Cycling Club and 
with Athens-Chilesburg and Brenda Cowan Elementary Schools to provide bikes for 
children.  Watch for more details, including volunteer opportunities.

Women's Weekend - The Episcopal Church Women of the Diocese of Lexington is 
hosting a women's weekend at Cathedral Domain, May 17 - 19.  The theme of the 
weekend is "Creating With The Sacred Feminine," featuring artist and prayer painter 
LoriLyn Hurley.  Visit The Link for more information.  Walnut Hill will sponsor any Walnut 
Hill participant for 1/2 the cost of attendance.

Peace to all.

Mike Ward