Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Greetings to all!

We are in the midst of several Sundays considering Jesus' Beatitudes
(Matt 5:1-12) during the 10am hour (see below). It is not too late to share 
in rediscovering, or discovering for the first time, these extraordinary 
teachings of Jesus. Cynthia Bourgeault, spiritual author/teacher, comments…

If you were raised Christian, you are probably familiar with the beatitudes.
They're one of the "top three" texts that you get to memorize in Sunday
school.  These eight short sayings lay out Jesus's core teaching in a
wonderfully concentrated and compelling format.  Curiously, of all his
teachings they are also the least commentated upon by the church
fathers and theologians - most likely…because they are clearly non-dual
teachings of the highest order, and most of the church still isn't there yet…
(as found in The Wisdom Jesus)

The lectionary texts for May 19, the Fifth Sunday of Easter…

Blessed Are…an exploration of the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12) of Jesus, 
continues this Sun, May 19, 10am, in Trinity Hall, as we consider the fourth
beatitude, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness…," 
including commentary by Cynthia Bourgeault. Use reply email to request a 
participant guide for your individual reflection and/or preparation for Sunday's 

THE SPRING POTLUCK is coming on Sunday, May 19, immediately after
morning worship.  Bring a salad, side dish, or dessert, and join us for this
delicious Walnut Hill tradition. See and share the potluck Facebook and
Instagram posts.

Calling all Graduates - As is our recent tradition, we would like to recognize
Walnut Hill graduates, particularly high school graduates, on the day of our
Spring Potluck (May 19).  If you have a graduate in your family, come
prepared to "shout out" on that day.  If you have a high school graduate in
your household, please let us know in advance, so that we might celebrate
her/him appropriately.

Walking Through Scripture, a practice of weekly Bible reading, is ongoing
a we make our journey through the 3-year lectionary cycle.  Look for your 
next "walking guide" this Sunday in the Sanctuary foyer, or request one by 
reply email.  Now is the time to (re)subscribe for Mike's weekly reflections
on the Sunday lessons.  Use reply email to (re)subscribe.

The Nathaniel Mission will be offering day camp programs this summer
for children in the Cardinal Valley area.  You can help by donating craft
supplies such as pencils, crayons, scissors, glue, tape, paper, etc, as well 
as children's books in good condition. Look for a collection box in the foyer
of the Sanctuary.

The 8th Annual Walnut Hill Bike Ride is coming on Sat, June 29.  This
year's ride will benefit children in the Athens Chilesburg and Brenda Cowan
School districts.  Mark the date on your calendar, and watch for more
information regarding participation and volunteer opportunities.  Let us
know if your business might like be a "sponsor" for the event.

Peace to all.

Mike Ward

P.S. - You can find Walnut Hill Church…
…on the web at
…on Facebook at Walnut Hill Church
…on Instagram at walnuthillchurchky

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