Friday, May 24, 2019

Sunday at Walnut Hill Church

This Sunday, May 26, at Walnut Hill Church…

Memorial Day Weekend

Blessed Are…, 10am, Trinity Hall

Blessed are the merciful…

We continue our exploration of the Beatitudes (Matt 5:1-12)
as we consider the fifth beatitude, "Blessed are the merciful."
You might want to view this video ( Mercy ) in preparation
for Sunday's conversation.

Nursery care available for young children.

Confirmation Study, 10am, Trinity Hall

Youth meet to explore their relationship to God and Church.

Morning Worship, 11am, Sanctuary

Sermon - Lydia
Text - Acts 16:9-15

Memorial Day Acknowledgment

Faith Formation, 11am, Trinity Hall

Nursery care and classes for children and youth.

After Worship Gathering, Noon, Sanctuary

All are invited to gather for fellowship and refreshments.


Nathaniel Mission Summer Camps - You are invited to
bring craft supplies (e.g. pencils, crayons, glue, scissors,
paper, etc), as well as children's books in good condition, 
to support the Nathaniel Mission's summer camp programs.
Look for the collection box in the Sanctuary foyer.


SPRING STORMS - The central section of the U.S. has been
battered by recent tornadoes and floods.  You may donate to
support relief efforts this Sunday or next at Walnut Hill, cash
and checks (payable to Walnut Hill, memo: Spring Storms).  
Walnut Hill contributions will be sent to the affected area via 
our partner Church World Service.  Visit Spring Storms for a 
CWS situation and response report.


CATALPA IN BLOOM - The Catalpa tree in the midst of
the playground is in bloom, a spectacular display!  Perhaps 
some blooms will remain on Sunday.  Be sure to have a

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