Friday, October 31, 2014

Sunday at Walnut Hill Church

This Sunday, November 2, at Walnut Hill Church...


Sunday Conversations, 10am, Trinity Hall

Working Out Our Own Salvation

Beginning with these words from the apostle Paul, we'll talk
about what it might mean to "work out our own salvation,"
mindful that, as Paul reminds us, God is at work in and
through the process.

Children's Choir, 10am, Trinity Hall

Children through elementary school age are invited to
gather for music and singing as they prepare for their
Christmas season presentation.

Morning Worship, 11am, Sanctuary

Sermon -  to the Saints at ...
Text -  Philippians 2:12-30

The Sacrament of Holy Communion

Nursery Care and Sunday School for Children

After Worship Gathering, Noon, Trinity Hall

All are invited to gather for refreshments and fellowship.


The Vestry will meet at 9:30am in the upstairs office
of Trinity Hall.


This Sunday continues the Fall 2014 Exploring Our 
Spirituality (EOS) season.  Sunday Conversations and 
Morning Worship topics are prompted by EOS themes 
and our exploration of the New Testament Letter to the 
Philippians.  An online workbook is available for those 
who would like to explore more deeply.  Our focus this 
Sunday is prompted by the Week 4 workbook section.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

October 29, 2014

Grace to you and peace!

This Saturday, November 1, is All Saints' Day, an occasion to not only
remember persons of the past, but also to be encouraged and inspired
for our living today.  The Catholic spiritual teacher, Henri Nouwen, 
describes the Church as a "garden" in which saints bloom.

The Church is a very human organization but also a garden of God's
grace.  It is a place where great sanctity keeps blooming.  Saints are
people who make the living Christ visible to us in a special way.  Some
saints have given their lives in the service of Christ and his Church;
others have spoken or written words that keep nurturing us; some have
lived heroically in difficult situations; others have remained hidden in
quiet lives of prayer and meditation; some were prophetic voices
calling for renewal; others were spiritual strategists setting up large
organizations or networks of people;  some were healthy and strong;
others were quite sick, and often anxious and insecure.  But all of
them in their own ways lived in the Church as in a garden where 
they heard the voice calling them the Beloved and where they found
the courage to make Jesus the center of their lives.
(as found in Bread for the Journey)

The scripture lesson for Sunday, November 2...
Philippians 2:12-30

Men's Coffee - Walnut Hill men are invited to gather for coffee each
Saturday morning, 8am, at Paneras on Richmond Road.  Feel free
to stop by for as long or short a time as your schedule allows.  No
rsvp required.

Sunday Conversations continue this Sun, Nov 2, 10am, in Trinity Hall.  
During the EOS season our conversations are prompted by EOS texts 
and themes.  Watch the Friday update for details regarding this Sunday's 

Children's Choir continues this Sun, Nov 2, 10am, in Trinity Hall. All 
children through elementary age are invited to participate as they 
prepare for their Christmas season presentation.

Exploring Our Spirituality (EOS) continues this Sunday with the 
beginning of our Week 4 focus, "Emissaries of Grace," (Phil 2:12-30).  
You can participate in EOS in a variety of ways including...
-attendance at Sunday Conversations (10am) and Morning Worship (11am).
-participating in an EOS Small Group.  Small Groups are meeting on 
Sunday evenings, Tuesday evenings, and Thursday mornings. 
-individual exploration using the EOS workbook.  Use reply email or 
contact the church office to request a workbook, or check out the online 
version at  Fall 2014 Workbook .

The Annual Meeting of the Congregation of Walnut Hill Church will
be held on Sunday, November 9, immediately after morning worship,
in the Sanctuary.  The business of the annual meeting includes the
election of Vestry members, presentation of the church budget, and 
action on the Pastor's terms of call.  Other business may be raised
by Walnut Hill Members and Friends.  In order that we might plan the
meeting, please contact Dorothy Brockopp or the church office if you
are aware of other business that needs to be considered at this
annual meeting.

Thanksgiving Dressing - Once again Walnut Hill has been asked to
provide the stuffing/dressing for the Nathaniel Mission Community 
Thanksgiving Dinner.  This annual event provides an abundant meal
for several hundred Mission neighbors.  You can sponsor a tray of
dressing for $20.  Use reply email to offer your sponsorship.

Peace to all.

Mike Ward

Friday, October 24, 2014

Sunday at Walnut Hill Church

This Sunday, October 26, at Walnut Hill Church...

Sunday Conversations, 10am, Trinity Hall


This strange word, kenosis, invites reflection and
conversation regarding the spiritual path.  Kenosis
means to "let go" or "to empty oneself."  In an age 
when self-fulfillment is promoted as the key to 
happiness, what wisdom might be found in the
notion of self-emptying.  As a starting place for
our conversation, we will view a brief video by
Richard Rohr.  You can view the video in advance

Children's Choir, 10am, Trinity Hall

Children (through elementary age) are invited to
gather for music and singing in preparation for
the children's Christmas presentation in December.

Morning Worship, 11am, Sanctuary

Preacher -  The Rev. Dr. John Cavendish
     Walnut Hill Church Pastor Emeritus

Text - Philippians 2:1-11

The Sacrament of Baptism

Nursery Care and Sunday School for Children

After Worship Gathering, Noon, Trinity Hall

All are invited to gather for refreshments and fellowship.

Youth Gathering, 5:30pm, Trinity Hall

Youth (middle and high school) are invited to gather
for a meal and activities.  This Sunday's gathering is
focused on service as the youth will be preparing 
sandwiches for the Lexington Community Inn.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Grace to you and peace!

   Last Sunday we mentioned the act of "making one's voice heard"
regarding matters of justice, mercy, and compassion as a public, and 
sometimes risky, expression of the spiritual practice of "bearing witness."
"Bearing witness," whatever its public expression, begins as a simple 
openness to life as it is.  Consider the following...

  Life is filled with opportunities for bearing witness to the positive and 
negative experiences in our world.  When we do not turn away from 
what brings pain or what brings happiness, we acknowledge that both 
always exist - even in the same instant. When we can fully open ourselves 
to all the delights and challenges to which we and others are heir, without 
picking and choosing which ones we will attend, we can be part of the 
tapestry of life around us.  Open to both painful and joyful events, we see 
our interconnection to everything around us even as we recognize that 
sometimes the only role we can play is to bear witness.
   With an open heart, may I bear witness to all of life's joy and suffering, 
that I may share the gift of sympathetic joy for others' happiness and 
compassion for their sorrow.
(by Jean Smith as found at

The scripture lesson for Sunday, October 26...
Philippians 2:1-11

Sunday Conversations continue this Sun, Oct 26, 10am, in Trinity Hall.  
Our conversation this Sunday will focus on the notion of "kenosis," the
pouring out of self, as part of taking on the mind of Christ.  What does it
look and feel like to "pour oneself out" in this way?

Children's Choir begins this Sun, Oct 26, 10am, in Trinity Hall as practice
begins toward the children's Christmas presentation on Sun, Dec 14.  All
children through elementary age are invited to participate.

Youth (middle and high school) are invited to gather at Walnut Hill this
Sun, Oct 26, 5:30pm, for a meal and activities.  This Sunday is a service
gathering as the youth will be preparing sandwiches for the Community

Exploring Our Spirituality (EOS) continues this Sunday with the beginning
of our Week 3 focus, "The Mind of Christ," (Phil 2:1-11).  You can participate 
in EOS in a variety of ways including...
-attendance at Sunday Conversations (10am) and Morning Worship (11am).
-participating in an EOS Small Group.  Small Groups are meeting on Sunday 
evenings, Tuesday evenings, and Thursday mornings. Use reply email or 
call the church office (263-5304) to inquire about being part of an EOS 
Small Group.
-individual exploration using the EOS workbook.  Use reply email or contact 
the church office to request a workbook, or check out the online version 
-listening to the recordings of sermons during the EOS season as found 

Walnut Hill Church Directory updates are available in the foyer of the 
Sanctuary.  Pick one up this Sunday, or contact the church office to request 
a copy.

In the community:
The Kentucky Council of Churches will hold its Annual Assembly on
Friday - Saturday, Oct 24-25, in northern Kentucky.  The theme of this
year's Assembly is "restorative justice," seeking creative ways to heal the
injuries of both victims and offenders, looking beyond conventional notions 
of revenge and punishment.  Visit for more 
The Presbytery of Transylvania will hold its semi-annual stated meeting
this Saturday - Sunday, Oct 25 - 26, in Lexington.  The Presbytery will be
considering a long range plan to re-shape and re-direct the Presbytery's 
resources and ministry.
Mike Ward will be attending these two gatherings.

Looking Ahead:  The Annual Meeting of the congregation of Walnut
Hill Church will be held on Sunday, Nov 9, immediately after morning
worship.  Primary business items include the election of Vestry members,
presentation of the 2015 budget, and approval of the Pastor's terms
of call for 2015.

Peace to all.

Mike Ward

Friday, October 17, 2014

Sunday at Walnut Hill Church

This Sunday, October 19, at Walnut Hill Church...

Sunday Conversations, 10am, Trinity Hall

A Matter of Life and Death

How does one affirm life in the face of one's own death?
Paul does so in his Letter to the Philippians (1:19-26).
Some have heard an affirmation of life in a very different
way in the recent video posted by Brittany Maynard . 
We will talk about how faith helps us affirm life in the
face of death. To view the video in advance, visit

Morning Worship, 11am, Sanctuary

Sermon:  Going to Jail
Text:   Philippians 1:12-30

Nursery Care and Sunday School for Children

After Worship Gathering, Noon, Trinity Hall

All are invited to gather for refreshments and fellowship.


This Sunday continues the Fall 2014 Exploring Our 
Spirituality (EOS) season.  Sunday Conversations and 
Morning Worship topics are prompted by EOS themes 
and our exploration of the New Testament Letter to the 
Philippians.  An online workbook is available for those 
who would like to explore more deeply.  Our focus this 
Sunday is prompted by the Week 2 workbook section.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Grace to you and peace:

The absence/presence of God is a traditional topic in spiritual writings.  
In his recent book, My Bright Abyss, Christian Wiman challenges the
sense that many people have of God's absence from them.

It is among the most difficult spiritual ailments to heal, because it is
usually wholly illusory.  There are definitely times when we must 
suffer God's absence, when we are called to enter the dark night of
the soul in order to pass into some new understanding of God, some
deeper communion with God and with all creation.  But this is very
rare ... God is not absent.  God is everywhere in the world we are too
dispirited to love.  To feel God - to find God - does not usually require 
that we renounce all worldly possessions and enter a monastery, or 
give our lives over to some cause of social justice, or create some sort 
of sacred art, or begin spontaneously speaking in tongues.  All too 
often the task to which we are called is simply to show a kindness to 
the irritating person in the cubicle next to us, say, or touch the face of 
a spouse from whom we ourselves have been long absent, letting 
grace wake love from our intense, self-enclosed sleep.

The scripture lesson for Sunday, October 19...
Philippians 1:12 - 30

Men's Coffee - Walnut Hill men are invited to gather for coffee each
Saturday morning, 8am, at Paneras on Richmond Road.  Feel free
to stop by for as long or short a time as your schedule allows.  No
rsvp required.

Sunday Conversations continue this Sun, Oct 19, 10am, in Trinity
Hall.  Prompted by our EOS text for this Sunday, our conversation
topic will be "A Matter of Life and Death."

Exploring Our Spirituality (EOS) continues this Sunday with 
our Week 2 focus, "Joy In All Circumstances," (Phil 1:12-30).  You
can participate in EOS in a variety of ways including...
-attendance at Sunday Conversations (10am) and Morning 
Worship (11am).
-participating in an EOS Small Group.  Small Groups are meeting
on Sunday evenings, Tuesday evenings, and Thursday mornings.
Use reply email or call the church office (263-5304) to inquire 
about being part of an EOS Small Group.
-individual exploration using the EOS workbook.  Use reply email
or contact the church office to request a workbook, or check out
the online version at  Fall 2014 Workbook .
-listening to the recordings of sermons during the EOS season as
found at Walnut Hill sermons .

Walnut Hill Church Directory updates are available in the foyer
of the Sanctuary.  Pick one up this Sunday, or contact the church
office to request a copy.

In the community:
The Interfaith Alliance of the Bluegrass will hold its annual 
meeting and dinner on Tues, Oct 21, 6pm, at Central Christian
Church.  The theme of this year's meeting is "Helping Youth 
Push Back Against Violence."  For more information, visit

Looking Ahead:  The date of the annual Walnut Hill Church 
Christmas Party has been set for Sunday, December 21, 3pm.  
Put it on your calendar today.  Watch for more details.

Peace to all.

Mike Ward

Friday, October 10, 2014

Sunday at Walnut Hill Church

This Sunday, October 12, at Walnut Hill Church...

Sunday Conversations, 10am, Trinity Hall

Scripture as Conversation

How might our approach, understanding, and appreciation
of scripture be different if we viewed scripture as a "conversation
partner" rather than as "ideology?"  Might the scripture come
alive for us in new ways?  We will talk about it.

Morning Worship, 11am, Sanctuary

Sermon - I Am Praying for You
Text - Philippians 1:1-11

Nursery Care and Sunday School for Children

After Worship Gathering, Noon, Trinity Hall

All are invited to gather for refreshments and fellowship.

Youth Boone Creek Safari, afternoon, Vaughan Cabin

Youth (middle & high school) and their families are invited
to an afternoon of hiking, pumpkin carving, and a cookout.
Use reply email or call the church office (263-5304) for
more information and/or to rsvp.


This Sunday begins the Fall 2014 Exploring Our Spirituality (EOS)
season.  Sunday Conversations and Morning Worship
topics are prompted by EOS themes and our exploration
of the New Testament Letter to the Philippians.  An 
online workbook is available for those who would like to
explore more deeply.  Our focus this Sunday is guided by 
the Week 1 workbook section.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Greetings to all!

Exploring Our Spirituality (EOS) begins this Sunday, October 12.
Our theme for the season will be "Rejoice in the Lord, Always," and
the springboard for our reflection will be the Letter to the Philippians 
as found in the New Testament.  In a sense, to explore our spirituality
is simply another way of exploring our lives, with particular attention
to that which connects us to each other, to this world, and to that
which animates all reality, including ourselves.  Sometimes we 
notice that connection spontaneously, without effort or intention.
For others, that sense of connection is deepened by simple practices 
that help them slow down and open their ears, eyes, and hearts.  
The EOS season is no more,  no less, than an opportunity for us as 
individuals and as a community to slow down, look, and listen.
Blessings to all as we begin this season of exploration.

The scripture lesson for Sunday, October 12...
Philippians 1:1-11

Sunday Conversations continue this Sunday, Oct 12, 10am, in
Trinity Hall.  Our topic for this Sunday is guided by our Week 1
EOS theme, "Grace to You and Peace."  Come enjoy a cup of 
coffee, join the conversation, or just listen in.

A Host(s) is needed for our after worship refreshments this
Sun, Oct 12.  Use reply email or visit the online sign up sheet to 
volunteer for this Sunday or another Sunday later in the fall.

Youth (middle and high school) are invited to an afternoon of
hiking, pumpkin carving, and a cookout at the Vaughan cabin on
Boone's Creek this Sun, Oct 12.  This annual outing is not to be 
missed.  Watch for more details.

EOS small groups begin next week.  Groups are in place for
Sunday and Tuesday evenings.  Additional groups are possible
depending on demand.  Use reply email to inquire about
participating in an EOS small group.

EOS workbooks are available in paper copy and online format.
While workbooks are a must for small group participation, they
are also beneficial for individual use.  Check out Fall 2014 Workbook
for the online version.  Contact the church office by reply email
or phone (263-5304) to request a paper copy.

Thanks to the Rev. John McCullough, President and CEO of
Church World Service, for his inspiring visit with us last weekend.
Thanks also to numerous Walnut Hill folks who, in various ways,
helped to welcome him.  Use reply email to let us know what 
you thought about Rev. McCullough's visit and how we might
follow up on it.  For more information regarding Church World
Service, visit .

Peace to all.

Mike Ward

Friday, October 3, 2014


October 4 - 5, 2014
Walnut Hill Church

Join us for the following events as we welcome the Rev. John McCullough,
President and CEO of Church World Service.  

Saturday, October 4
10am, Ecumenical Mission: Present and Future

We will talk with Rev. McCullough, and with each other, about the challenges
and possibilities of meeting human needs in the 21st century, with particular
attention to how people of faith and good will might cooperate in that effort.

Sunday, October 5
10am, Sunday Conversations

We will take this opportunity to hear from Rev. McCullough regarding 
Church World Service and his personal experiences leading this global, 
ecumenical, mission organization.

(nursery care available for children)

11am, Morning Worship and Holy Communion

Preaching - The Rev. John McCullough
Sermon - Facing the Crowd: The Authority of Our Faith
Text - Philippians 2:1-13;  Matthew 21:23-32

The Sacrament of Holy Communion

Nursery Care and Sunday School for Children

Noon, After Worship Gathering

All are invited to gather for refreshments and fellowship. 



Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Greetings to all!

This Sunday, Oct 5, is "Ecumenical Sunday" at Walnut Hill Church,
and with it the opportunity to celebrate and explore our ecumenical
identity and mission.  We are pleased to welcome as our guest the 
Rev. John McCullough, President and CEO of Church World Service
a global ecumenical mission organization.  Allow me to share a portion 
of Rev. McCullough's letter accepting our invitation to visit Walnut Hill.

Thank you for your letter and for the gracious invitation to join you 
... on "Ecumenical Sunday," October 5.  I am delighted to accept and
look forward to sharing with your congregation both the word of
God, and the work of Church World Service.  The reputation of
your church is strong.  Recently, I shared with John Dolon, CWS
Regional Director for IN and KY, that I had received your letter.
It must be what we call Providence because he had intended to
suggest I visit Walnut Hill Church this year and was enthusiastic
about my acceptance ... Please know that we deeply appreciate
the wonderful commitment Walnut Hill Church has made to our
common mission to eradicate hunger and poverty, and to promote
peace and justice.  May God bless you and all those whom you
have been called to love and serve.

We look forward to welcoming Rev. McCullough this weekend!

(For more information regarding Rev. McCullough, visit


Sat, Oct 4, 10am - Ecumenical Mission: Present and Future
Join us as we visit informally with Rev. McCullough regarding
the present and future prospects and possibilities of our shared 
efforts to meet human needs around the world.

Sun, Oct 5, 10am - Sunday Conversations
We will visit with Rev. McCullough regarding his experiences
with Church World Service and his personal call to a ministry
of meeting human needs.

Sun, Oct 5, 11am - Morning Worship & Holy Communion
Rev. McCullough will be preaching, the sermon title, 
Facing the Crowd: The Authority of Our Faith.

How can you be part of Ecumenical Sunday Weekend?
*Attend any or all of our Ecumenical Sunday Weekend activities
and invite others to do so.  What a great occasion to introduce
someone to the work of Church World Service and to Walnut
Hill Church.
*Volunteer to help us welcome our guests.  Use reply email
to inquire about volunteer opportunities.

Exploring Our Spirituality

Exploring Our Spirituality (EOS) is soon to begin, October 12.
Our theme for this season is "Rejoice in the Lord Always,"
based on the Letter of Paul to the Philippians.  

You can participate in EOS by...
Sunday morning attendance as Sunday Conversations and
Morning Worship will be guided by the EOS themes.
Individual reflection using an EOS study guide that will be
available online and in paper copy.
Small group participation to share your faith and life journey
with others.  Use reply email for more information regarding
small groups.

CROP Hunger Walk Results

Thanks to a strong team (15 walkers) and several sponsors, 
Walnut Hill raised over $700 to support hunger relief locally
and around the world.  For more information regarding how
CROP dollars are used, visit CROP Hunger Walk .

Peace to all.

Mike Ward