Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Grace to you and peace:

The absence/presence of God is a traditional topic in spiritual writings.  
In his recent book, My Bright Abyss, Christian Wiman challenges the
sense that many people have of God's absence from them.

It is among the most difficult spiritual ailments to heal, because it is
usually wholly illusory.  There are definitely times when we must 
suffer God's absence, when we are called to enter the dark night of
the soul in order to pass into some new understanding of God, some
deeper communion with God and with all creation.  But this is very
rare ... God is not absent.  God is everywhere in the world we are too
dispirited to love.  To feel God - to find God - does not usually require 
that we renounce all worldly possessions and enter a monastery, or 
give our lives over to some cause of social justice, or create some sort 
of sacred art, or begin spontaneously speaking in tongues.  All too 
often the task to which we are called is simply to show a kindness to 
the irritating person in the cubicle next to us, say, or touch the face of 
a spouse from whom we ourselves have been long absent, letting 
grace wake love from our intense, self-enclosed sleep.

The scripture lesson for Sunday, October 19...
Philippians 1:12 - 30

Men's Coffee - Walnut Hill men are invited to gather for coffee each
Saturday morning, 8am, at Paneras on Richmond Road.  Feel free
to stop by for as long or short a time as your schedule allows.  No
rsvp required.

Sunday Conversations continue this Sun, Oct 19, 10am, in Trinity
Hall.  Prompted by our EOS text for this Sunday, our conversation
topic will be "A Matter of Life and Death."

Exploring Our Spirituality (EOS) continues this Sunday with 
our Week 2 focus, "Joy In All Circumstances," (Phil 1:12-30).  You
can participate in EOS in a variety of ways including...
-attendance at Sunday Conversations (10am) and Morning 
Worship (11am).
-participating in an EOS Small Group.  Small Groups are meeting
on Sunday evenings, Tuesday evenings, and Thursday mornings.
Use reply email or call the church office (263-5304) to inquire 
about being part of an EOS Small Group.
-individual exploration using the EOS workbook.  Use reply email
or contact the church office to request a workbook, or check out
the online version at  Fall 2014 Workbook .
-listening to the recordings of sermons during the EOS season as
found at Walnut Hill sermons .

Walnut Hill Church Directory updates are available in the foyer
of the Sanctuary.  Pick one up this Sunday, or contact the church
office to request a copy.

In the community:
The Interfaith Alliance of the Bluegrass will hold its annual 
meeting and dinner on Tues, Oct 21, 6pm, at Central Christian
Church.  The theme of this year's meeting is "Helping Youth 
Push Back Against Violence."  For more information, visit

Looking Ahead:  The date of the annual Walnut Hill Church 
Christmas Party has been set for Sunday, December 21, 3pm.  
Put it on your calendar today.  Watch for more details.

Peace to all.

Mike Ward

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