Wednesday, August 13, 2008

weekly letter

August 13, 2008
Greetings to all!
Over these last few days, in an all too familiar pattern, another international dispute has been "settled" by violence at the cost of many lives and livelihoods. An ancient oracle offers an alternate vision and calling:
    The Lord says, "I am making a new earth and new heavens.  The events of the past will be completely forgotten...There will be no weeping there, no calling for help.  Babies will no longer die in infancy, and all people will live out their lifespan.  Those who live to be a hundred will be considered young...People will build houses and get to live in them - they will not be used by someone else.  They will plant vineyards and enjoy the wine - it will not be drunk by others.  Like trees, my people will live long lives.  They will fully enjoy the things that they have worked for.  The work they do will be successful, and their children will not meet with disaster.  I will bless them and their descendants for all time to come.  Even before they finish praying to me, I will answer their prayers.  Wolves and lambs will eat together; lions will eat straw, as cattle do, and snakes will no longer be dangerous.  On Zion, my sacred hill, there will be nothing harmful or evil.
(Isaiah 65:17-25, Today's English Version)
The Scripture lessons for Sunday, August 17:
     Genesis 45:1-15
     Romans 11:1-2, 29-32
     Matthew 15:21-28
Men's Coffee - Walnut Hill men are invited to gather for coffee this Saturday, August 16, 8am, at Paneras (Richmond Road).  Feel free to stop in for as long or short a time as your schedule allows.  No rsvp required.
Sunday Conversations continue this Sunday, August 17, 10am, in Trinity Hall as we discuss the Story of Joseph (Genesis 37, 39 - 50).  Participants are encouraged to read the story this week.   All are welcome to join the conversation, enjoy a cup of coffee, or just listen in.
Sunday Hospitality - Hosts are needed for our after worship refreshments this Sunday, August 17.  Remember that refreshments need not be elaborate, just something simple to gather around as we visit after worship.  Use reply email or call the church office (263-5304) to volunteer for this Sunday.

Fellowship Dinners:  Fellowship Dinners are coming in the fall.  You might remember these small group gatherings

(6 -8 persons) in various homes for a meal and fellowship.  We are currently signing up persons who would like to attend and/or host a meal in late September.  Use reply email, the sign up sheet in the sanctuary foyer, or call the church office (263-5304) to indicate your interest.  Contact Sherry Warden or Dorothy Brockopp for more information.


Men's Dinner - The next Men's Dinner is scheduled for Tuesday, September 9, 6pm, at Jo-Beth Booksellers Cafe.  Our guest for the evening will be Mr. Bill Roberts who will offer observations regarding the upcoming election season.  Contact Gene Brockopp for more information and/or to rsvp.


Thanks, news, etc...

     *Thanks to...Matt and Amy Trail and Lauren Fouts for our refreshments last Sunday; Ruth Sharrard for the weekly flower arrangements that she provides for worship; Barbara Waldmann-Ward for some weekend gardening work at the front gate and in the courtyard.

     *Walnut Hill member Aaron Sharrard recently graduated from the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government Police Academy and has begun his work as a sworn officer with the LFUCG Police Department.  Congratulations to Aaron, and thanks for his service to the community.

     *The wood floor in Trinity Hall is being refinished this week.  Be sure to take a look on Sunday.  Thanks to David Sharrard for overseeing this project, and thanks to all those whose contributions to the Building Fund make such projects possible.


Peace to all.


Mike Ward

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