Wednesday, November 19, 2008

weekly letter

November 19, 2008
Greetings to all!
This Sunday, November 23, brings the church calendar to completion with the Sunday of Christ the King.  The church calendar begins anew on November 30 with the First Sunday of Advent.  The Sunday of Christ the King sets forth the image of Jesus, risen, ascended, reigning, returning and judging.  What might this ancient image mean for a modern world?  New Testament theologian Leander Keck offers some thoughts:
     Critics of Christianity have seldom faulted Christians for being disciples of Jesus "but rather reproached them with not being his disciples, with betraying his cause." ...[This] observation points to a remarkable phenomenon - that precisely in the modern era, marked in part by vehement repudiations of Christianity, Jesus has become an essential part of the conscience of Western culture.  What he taught and how he lived elicits acknowledgment that "he was onto something" so perennially true that repeatedly it has been capable of energizing passionate commitments to transform what is into what ought to be, whether the propensity of the human heart or unjust structures of society.  Indeed, acknowledging the towering moral stature of Jesus often goes hand in hand with denigrating his Christian followers for domesticating his radical insights, whether because they did not understand him or because they did.  Even so, the fact that those who have no intention of becoming part of the Christian community nonetheless expect Christians to live up to the teaching and example of Jesus shows that they regard him as the criterion, the norm, to which his followers are accountable, and in so doing they too acknowledge his moral stature.  Jesus remains the focal point of Christian thought, mode of life, and devotion, but in one way or other wherever he is known he looks over everyone's shoulder.  This phenomenon deserves far more attention and close analysis...
(adapted from Who is Jesus?)
The Scripture lessons for Sunday, November 23, Christ the King:
     Ezekiel 34:11-24
     Ephesians 1:15-23
     Matthew 25:31-46
Men's Coffee:  Walnut Hill men are invited to gather for coffee this Saturday, November 22, 8am, at Paneras on Richmond Road.  Feel free to stop in for as long or short a time as your schedule allows.  No rsvp required.
A Little Home Improvement:  Volunteers are invited to gather this Saturday, November 22, 9:30am - Noon, for some indoor work in the Sanctuary and Trinity Hall.  Our first priority is to complete the Sanctuary floor project, but there are other smaller tasks that need our attention as well.  Feel free to stop in for as long or short a time as your schedule permits.  No rsvp required.
Thanksgiving Abundance:  Persons attending worship this Sunday, November 23, are invited to bring non-perishable food items (just one or two items per person) to place in front of the Communion Table even as the traditional Thanksgiving Cornucopia adorns the Table top.  We will share the non-perishable items with local neighbors in need. 
Sunday Conversations regarding the lectionary Scripture lessons for the day (see above) continue this Sunday, November 23, 10am, in Trinity Hall.  Our conversation will focus on the lesson from Ezekiel.  We will also answer that burning question, "Where does the lectionary come from?"   Feel free to enjoy a cup of coffee, join the conversation, or just listen in.

The Walnut Hill Children's Choir continues practice this Sunday, November 23, 10am, in Trinity Hall.  Nell Horman is leading the children as they learn to use voices and instruments to celebrate God's love.  The children are particularly working on Christmas music leading to a Sunday morning presentation on December 14.  All Walnut Hill children are invited to participate.


Thanksgiving Hospitality:  One of the great American traditions is the "Thanksgiving Dinner" as family and friends gather for the harvest feast.  Our new Iraqi friends (Raghad, Rania, and Zahra) have yet to experience this great tradition.  If you have three extra places at your holiday table and would like to extend a Thanksgiving Dinner  invitation to Raghad and her daughters, let us know by reply email and we will be happy to forward your invitation along. 


Advent Candle Lighters:  One of Walnut Hill's seasonal traditions is the lighting of the Advent Candles at the beginning of worship each Sunday during Advent.  The invitation is currently open for individuals, couples, or families who would like to lead the ceremony on one of the following Sundays (Nov. 30, Dec. 7 and 21).  Let us know by reply email if you would like to be part of this wonderful tradition.


ATTENTION Walnut Hill Women:  Natalie Watt and Dorothy Brockopp invite all Walnut Hill women to a dinner and conversation at Buddy's restaurant on Wednesday, December 10, 6:30 p.m.  Each attendee will purchase her own meal.  The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss future women's programs/meetings, including possible dates, topics, speakers, etc.  Please rsvp to Natalie or to the church office ( or 263-5304) before December 3. 


Peace to all.


Mike Ward

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