Friday, January 16, 2009

"Saving Jesus"

Saving Jesus



 A revolutionary, DVD—based exploration of the relevance of Jesus Christ for the third millennium featuring leading

religious voices of our day including

Borg, Crossan, Fox, Levine, and Spong.

Each session will include a 20 minute video segment and time for conversation and discussion.



Topics include:

Who was Jesus?

What can we know about him?

The world in which he was born.

What were his teachings?

Who killed Jesus?

Why is Jesus worth saving?



10:00 am Sundays in Trinity Hall starting January 18


Child care will be available


"Saving Jesus has been the most inspiring and thought – provoking adult education series I have ever experienced in my 38 years of ministry.  The presenters encourage us to ask important questions about our faith…It also encourages us to embrace a greater understanding of faith that is inclusive and reconciling rather than unique and exclusive.  The course…speaks to the twenty-first century Christian and a twenty-first century global family."

Rev. David Wilkinson

Pastor, St. Francis in the Foothills UMC, Tucson, AZ

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