Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

April 1, 2009

Greetings to all!

Holy Week is before us.  In his book, The Soul of Christianity, Huston Smith introduces his discussion of Holy Week with a paragraph suggesting the drama about to unfold.

Going back to the Jesus of history and rounding out the recorded events of Jesus' life, as the last Passover season he was to experience approached we are told that "he steadfastly set his face toward Jerusalem."  The word "steadfastly" here is well chosen; it registers the determination he needed to face what was in store for him, for the Roman oppression was unbearable and the disputes among the Jews as to how to deal with it were at a boiling point.  The Pharisees in particular were alarmed by the growing number of Jesus' adherents, and a showdown seemed likely.

The Scripture lessons for Sunday, April 5, Palm Sunday, the Sacrament of Holy Communion:
Isaiah 50:4-9
Philippians 2:5-11
John 12:12-16

*Sunday, April 5, Palm Sunday
-10am - Sunday Conversations, Trinity Hall, Passion Week from John's Perspective
-10am - Children's Choir, Trinity Hall
-11am - Morning Worship and Holy Communion
   - Children's Music Presentation and Procession of the Palms
-Noon - Afterworship Refreshments
   - Easter Egg Hunt

*Thursday, April 9, Maundy Thursday
-6pm - Simple Meal, Trinity Hall (bring a fruit, cheese, or bread)
-7pm - Into the Night - evening prayer and sacrament (child care provided)

*Sunday, April 12, Easter Sunday
-7am - Easter Sunrise Service, Walnut Hill Cemetery (in the sanctuary if raining)
-11am - Morning Worship and Holy Communion
-Noon - Afterworship Refreshments (bring an item for the refreshment table)

The next Walnut Hill Women's Dinner will be held on Wednesday, April 8, 6pm, at Buddy's.  Use the sign up sheet in the sanctuary foyer to rsvp.  

Peace to all.

Mike Ward

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