Thursday, January 29, 2009

weekly letter

January 29, 2009
Greetings to all!
     As of this morning (Thursday), the church has electric service.  While there has been significant tree damage around the church and cemetery grounds, the driveway area is relatively clear.  We anticipate having the driveway plowed and being ready for services on Sunday. 
     We keep in our thoughts and prayers those for whom these storm events are more than inconvenience, particularly communities like Burgin and Danville.  We are grateful for emergency service personnel and utility workers laboring under extremely difficult conditions to keep people safe and restore essential services.  Let us be mindful of our neighbors, especially the elderly living alone.  Please feel free to contact the church office (263-5304), or contact Mike Ward at his home, if there are any particular pastoral needs of which you are aware in these days.
And for some reflection:
     Winter weather can be tough not only on the body, but also on the spirit.  That said, sometimes the heart can be warmed on even the coldest day and most difficult conditions.  Consider an occasion remembered by author Frederick Buechner.
    The next winter I sat in Army fatigues somewhere near Anniston, Alabama, eating my supper out of a mess kit.  The infantry training battalion that I had been assigned to was on bivouac.  There was a cold drizzle of rain, and everything was mud.  The sun had gone down.  I was still hungry when I finished and noticed that a man nearby had something left over that he was not going to eat.  It was a turnip, and when I asked him if I could have it, he tossed it over to me.  I missed the catch, the turnip fell to the ground, but I wanted it so badly that I picked it up and started eating it anyway, mud and all.  And then, as I ate it, time deepened and slowed down again.  With a lurch of the heart that is real to me still, I saw suddenly, almost as if from beyond time altogether, that not only was the turnip good, but the mud was good too, even the drizzle and cold were good, even the Army that I had dreaded for months.  Sitting there in the Alabama winter with my mouth full of cold turnip and mud, I could see at least for a moment how if you ever took truly to heart the ultimate goodness and joy of things, even at their bleakest, the need to praise someone or something for it would be so great that you might even have to go out and speak of it to the birds of the air.
(as found in Listening to Your Life)
The Scripture lessons for Sunday, February 1, the Sacrament of Holy Communion
     Deuteronomy 18:15-22
     1 Corinthians 8:1-13
     Mark 1:21-28
Men's Coffee - Walnut Hill men are invited to gather for coffee this Saturday morning, January 31, 8am, at Paneras (Richmond Rd).  Feel free to stop in for as long or short a time as your schedule allows.  No rsvp required.
Saving Jesus, a video discussion series exploring Jesus Christ for the third millennium, continues this Sunday, February 1, 10am, in Trinity Hall.  This Sunday's session, "Jesus' Program: The Kingdom of God," explores Jesus' understanding of God's intentions for this world in which we live.  Feel free to join the conversation, enjoy a cup of coffee, or just listen in. (Childcare is available upon request.  Simply use reply email or call the church office to request child care.)  
SOUPER BOWL SUNDAY - Well it's finally here, Souper Bowl Sunday, February 1.  Immediately after worship, everyone is invited to Trinity Hall to sample and enjoy a variety of delicious soups prepared by several hometown "chefs."  You will also have opportunity to make a donation (in any amount) to support the work of hunger relief in central and eastern Kentucky as carried out by God's Pantry.  Walnut Hill's Souper Bowl Sunday is part of a nationwide program that raises millions of dollars annually for hunger relief.  Come, enjoy the soup and help make it possible for others to enjoy their soup as well.
Women's Dinner - The next Walnut Hill Women's Dinner is scheduled for Wednesday, February 11, 6:30pm, at Buddy's (corner of Euclid Ave. and High St.).  Dr. Emily Askew, Professor of Theology at Lexington Seminary, will be the speaker.  Contact Natalie Watt or Dorothy Brockopp, or use the sign up sheet in the Sanctuary foyer to rsvp.
A Reminder:  If a Sunday worship service at Walnut Hill is cancelled due to weather, a message indicating the cancellation will be placed on the church voice mail by 9am that Sunday morning.  So..., if the weather on a Sunday morning leaves you wondering about services at Walnut Hill, simply call the church phone (263-5304) after 9am.  A regular message indicates service as usual.  A special message will indicate any changes or cancellations.
Thanks, news, etc...
     *Thanks to...Angela Hurley, Shirley and Bill Riley for last Sunday's refreshments; Dave Sharrard for some recent work around Trinity Hall; John Ragland for coordinating our snow response.
     *Congratulations to Spencer Horman upon receiving the "God and Family" scout emblem for his recently completed study.  Spencer received his emblem during morning worship last Sunday. 
Peace (and warmth) to all.
Mike Ward

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Men's Dinner Cancelled

January 27, 2009
Dear Friends:
Due to the current icy road conditions and the ongoing winter storm forecast, the Men's Dinner scheduled for Tuesday, January 27, has been cancelled.  Please share this information with anyone who might need to know.
Thank you,
Mike Ward

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

weekly letter

January 21, 2009
Greetings to all!
    January 18 - 25 is being observed in many communities as "The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity."  This annual January observance (the exact dates change from year to year) finds its origin in 1908 and a small Episcopal congregation in New York.  From its early and very local beginnings, the observance has spread around the nation and around the world.  In anticipation of this year's observance, leaders of various denominations have published the following letter:
Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Each year during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity our communities of faith gather to express the degree of communion which the churches have already received, and to pray together for the full unity which is Christ's will "that all may be one," as he and the Father are one. We see this desire for Christian Unity expressed in the text of Ezekiel in which he did not despair but proclaimed a message of hope for the renewal and the unity of God's people, "that they may become one in your hand."(Ezekiel 37:17)

As we gather once again and pray in the hope of Christian Unity may our actions and prayers embody the true peace, reconciliation, and unity which is to be found where God dwells. For Ezekiel and for our communities of faith this unity is not simply the joining of previously divided groups; it is God's intention for God's people that requires conversion and renewal. In this prayer for unity is found the hope that God's people may yet be one.    (from The Graymoor Ecumenical and Interreligious Institute)

The Scripture lessons for Sunday, January 25, the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity:

     Jonah 3:1-5, 10
     1 Corinthians 7:29-31
     Mark 1:14-20
Saving Jesus, a video discussion series exploring Jesus Christ for the third millennium, continues this Sunday, January 25, 10am, in Trinity Hall.  This Sunday's session, "The Teachings of Jesus," explores Jesus' use of subversive parables and aphorisms (e.g. the Good Samaritan).  Feel free to join in the conversation, enjoy a cup of coffee, or just listen in. Childcare will be provided for infants and young children. 
Men's Dinner - The next Walnut Hill Men's Dinner is scheduled for Tuesday, January 27, 6pm, at Buddy's (corner of Euclid Ave. and High St.).  We look forward to welcoming Mr. Al Smith, longtime Kentucky political commentator, as our special guest for the evening.  Mr. Smith's remarks for the evening are titled, "Politics: The Bumpy Weather Ahead." Please rsvp via reply email, the sign up sheet in the Sanctuary foyer, or by contacting Gene Brockopp.
Women's Dinner - The next Walnut Hill Women's Dinner is scheduled for Wednesday, February 11, 6:30pm, at Buddy's (corner of Euclid Ave. and High St.).  Dr. Emily Askew, Professor of Theology at Lexington Seminary, will be the speaker.  Contact Natalie Watt or Dorothy Brockopp, or use the sign up sheet in the Sanctuary foyer to rsvp.
The Souper Bowl of Caring is coming on Sunday, February 1, with delicious soup after worship and opportunity to support hunger relief efforts in central Kentucky.  In 2008, over 14,000 congregations participated nationwide, generating over 10 million dollars in donations.  All Walnut Hill donations will be sent to God's Pantry in Lexington.  Watch for more details.
2008 Giving Statements for tax preparation will soon be in the mail to you.  Walnut Hill donors will receive two statements this year, one for each half of the year.  The reason for these two statements is a transition in recording procedures that began on July 1.  Please contact the church office (263-5304) if you have any questions regarding your 2008 giving statement.
In the Community:
     *The Christian-Muslim Dialogue will meet on Saturday, January 24, 10am - Noon, at Hunter Presbyterian Church.  Rev. Robert Silvanic will present a program on "A Spiritual Path to Peace."  The program is followed by a potluck lunch.
     *The public is invited to Pax Christi Catholic Church in Lexington on Sunday, January 25, 7pm, for a worship service in observance of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.  The Rt. Rev. Stacy Sauls, Episcopal Bishop of Lexington, will be among the worship leaders.
A Reminder:  If a Sunday worship service at Walnut Hill is cancelled due to weather, a message indicating the cancellation will be placed on the church voice mail by 9am that Sunday morning.  So..., if the weather on a Sunday morning leaves you wondering about services at Walnut Hill, simply call the church phone (263-5304) after 9am.  A regular message indicates service as usual.  A special message will indicate any changes or cancellations.
Peace to all.
Mike Ward

Friday, January 16, 2009

"Saving Jesus"

Saving Jesus



 A revolutionary, DVD—based exploration of the relevance of Jesus Christ for the third millennium featuring leading

religious voices of our day including

Borg, Crossan, Fox, Levine, and Spong.

Each session will include a 20 minute video segment and time for conversation and discussion.



Topics include:

Who was Jesus?

What can we know about him?

The world in which he was born.

What were his teachings?

Who killed Jesus?

Why is Jesus worth saving?



10:00 am Sundays in Trinity Hall starting January 18


Child care will be available


"Saving Jesus has been the most inspiring and thought – provoking adult education series I have ever experienced in my 38 years of ministry.  The presenters encourage us to ask important questions about our faith…It also encourages us to embrace a greater understanding of faith that is inclusive and reconciling rather than unique and exclusive.  The course…speaks to the twenty-first century Christian and a twenty-first century global family."

Rev. David Wilkinson

Pastor, St. Francis in the Foothills UMC, Tucson, AZ

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

weekly letter

January 14, 2009
Greetings to all!
With the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday, the Inauguration, and all the ongoing national and global challenges swirling around us, consider these words from Dr. King.
     Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable.  Even a superficial look at history reveals that no social advance rolls in on the wheels of inevitability.  Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.  Without persistent effort, time itself becomes an ally of the insurgent and primitive forces of irrational emotionalism and social destruction.  This is no time for apathy or complacency.  This is a time for vigorous and positive action.
(from The Words of Martin Luther King, Jr.)
The Scripture lessons for Sunday, January 18:
     Psalm 72:1-7
     1 Timothy 2:1-7
     John 18:33-38
Men's Coffee - Walnut Hill men are invited to gather for coffee this Saturday, January 17, 8am, at Paneras on Richmond Road.  Feel free to stop in for as long or short a time as your schedule allows.  No rsvp required.
Saving Jesus, a revolutionary exploration of Jesus Christ for the third millennium, is the title of a video discussion series scheduled to begin this Sunday, January 18, 10am, in Trinity Hall.  This Sunday's session, "Who Was Jesus?" explores the person of Jesus from an itinerant teacher to the Cosmic Christ.  Feel free to join in the conversation, enjoy a cup of coffee, or just listen in. Childcare will be provided for infants and young children. 
Sunday Hospitality - Openings remain for our afterworship refreshments for upcoming Sundays including this Sunday, January 18.  Please use reply email to let us know if you would like to host or co-host this Sunday's refreshments.  Check the sign up sheet in the foyer of the Sanctuary for other available Sundays.
Men's Dinner - The next Walnut Hill Men's Dinner is scheduled for Tuesday, January 27, 6pm, at Buddy's (corner of Euclid Ave. and High St.).  We look forward to welcoming Mr. Al Smith, longtime Kentucky political commentator, as our special guest for the evening.  Please rsvp via reply email, the sign up sheet in the Sanctuary foyer, or by contacting Gene Brockopp.
Women's Dinner - The next Walnut Hill Women's Dinner is scheduled for Wednesday, February 11, 6:30pm, at Buddy's (corner of Euclid Ave. and High St.).  Program to be announced.  Contact Natalie Watt or Dorothy Brockopp for more details.
The Souper Bowl of Caring is coming on Sunday, February 1, with delicious soup after worship and opportunity to support hunger relief efforts in central Kentucky.  In 2008, over 14,000 congregations participated nationwide, generating over 10 million dollars in donations.  All Walnut Hill donations will be sent to God's Pantry in Lexington.  Watch for more details.
Thanks, news, etc...
     *Thanks to...David Sharrard for leading our Sunday Conversation last Sunday; Kim Bloomfield and Derek Vaughan for their work with children and youth; the Vestry for providing our afterworship refreshments.
     *A silver vase for sanctuary flowers was dedicated by the Vestry on Sunday "in honor of Lee and Jim Tucker for their faithful service to Walnut Hill Church."
     *The thoughts and prayers of the congregation are expressed to Mark Horman and family on the occasion of the death of Mark's father.
Peace to all.
Mike Ward 

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

weekly letter

January 7, 2009
Greetings to all!
It has been a rapid succession of seasons and festivals as we have moved through Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany.  Before us is another day to be observed, the Baptism of the Lord, on Sunday, January 11.  Joyce Rupp reflects on the occasion.
     What was it like for Jesus when John baptized him?  When he heard the voice from the heavens call him "the beloved"? He must have felt a surge of tenderness wash over him.  A strong, assuring conviction of his relationship with God must have become firmly stored in his soul at that time.  Jesus felt this power again and again in his life as he came forth from the desert, as he healed the sick, as he spent nights alone in prayer, as he stood up for his beliefs, as he communed with his friends, as he walked the road to Calvary.
     I have felt the effects of my own baptism time and again.  I am surprised every time it happens.  I notice this inner power when people tell me how much my words and actions helped them, or when I am hiking in the words and, suddenly, I sense and pay attention to a presence much bigger than my own.  I experience this power when I feel a nudge inside of me to be a better person or to do something to help alleviate the pain of my world.  It is a wonderful gift, this power of the Holy Spirit.  I invite you today to reflect on your own life and how you have experienced this potent presence of God.
(from Inviting God In)
The Scripture lessons for Sunday, January 11, the Baptism of the Lord:
     Genesis 1:1-5
     Acts 19:1-7
     Mark 1:4-11
Sunday Conversations regarding the Scripture lessons for the day (see above) continue this Sunday, 10am, in Trinity Hall. David Sharrard will be leading this Sunday's discussion.  Feel free to join the conversation, enjoy a cup of coffee, or just listen in.
Saving Jesus, a revolutionary exploration of Jesus Christ for the third millennium, is the title of a video discussion series scheduled to begin on Sunday, January 18, 10am, in Trinity Hall.  Watch for more details next week and see a brief "sneak preview" in the Sanctuary before worship this Sunday, January 11. 
Men's Dinner - The next Walnut Hill Men's Dinner is scheduled for Tuesday, January 27, 6pm, at Buddy's (corner of Euclid Ave. and High St.)  We look forward to welcoming Mr. Al Smith, longtime Kentucky political commentator, as our special guest for the evening.  Please rsvp via reply email, the sign up sheet in the Sanctuary foyer, or by contacting Gene Brockopp.
Hosts are needed for our after worship hospitality for the Sundays ahead.  Please check the sign up sheet in the Sanctuary foyer or inquire by reply email for a Sunday upcoming.  Remember that refreshments need not be elaborate, just something simple to gather around as we fellowship after worship.
A.C.E. School Trip - Walnut Hill has committed to sponsor 11 students to participate in the Athens-Chilesburg Elementary School 5th grade class trip to Washington, DC.  These are students who otherwise could not afford to participate.  The cost per child is $535.  Donations in any amount are welcome.  Make checks payable to Walnut Hill Church with "ACE Trip" in the memo.
The Vestry will meet this Sunday, January 11, 10am, in Trinity Hall. 
Thanks, news, etc....
    *Thanks to...Phil Bloomfield for preparing the Communion elements last Sunday; to the Choir, Linda and Nelson Barnes, Ruth and David Sharrard, and Phil Bloomfield for their leadership and assistance during worship; Kim Bloomfied for her assistance with the children; Nell Horman for providing our afterworship refreshments.
     *Walnut Hill has received a plaque from Lexington Habitat for Humanity acknowledging our co-sponsorship of the recent Interfaith Build, which resulted in the construction of a house for the Denton family at 1858 Balfour Drive.  You can see the plaque, including a photo of the house, in the Sanctuary foyer. 
     *The Episcopal Diocese of Lexington will hold its annual convention in February.  Among the activities of the convention is a silent auction to support scholarships for participation in regional and national youth events.  Congregations are invited to donate items or gift baskets for the auction.  If you have an item that you would like to donate, or if you would like to assemble a gift basket on Walnut Hill's behalf, please contact Mike Ward.
Peace to all.
Mike Ward