Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Greetings to all!

In his book, Here and Now, Henri Nouwen reflects on the notion that "joy" 
is a "choice."

It might sound strange to say that joy is the result of our choices.  We often
imagine that some people are luckier than others and that their joy or sorrow
depends on the circumstances of their life - over which they have no control.
It is important to become aware that at every moment of our life we have an
opportunity to choose joy.  Life has many sides to it.  There are always 
sorrowful and joyful sides to the reality we live.  And so we always have a 
choice to live the moment as a cause for resentment or as a cause for joy.  It is
in the choice that our true freedom lies, and that freedom is, in the final analysis,
the freedom to love.
It might be a good idea to ask ourselves how we develop our capacity to
choose for joy.  Maybe we could spend a moment at the end of each day and 
decide to remember that day - whatever may have happened - as a day to be
grateful for.  In so doing we increase our heart's capacity to choose for joy.  And
as our hearts become more joyful, we will become, without any special effort,
a source of joy for others.  Just as sadness begets sadness, so joy begets joy.

Communion Sunday - The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be served 
during morning worship this Sunday, August 1, 11am.

Hosts Needed - Sunday refreshment hosts are needed for the following 
Sundays, August 1 & 8.   Remember that Sunday refreshments need not be
elaborate, just something simple to gather around after worship.  Use reply
email to volunteer for either Sunday August 1 or August 8.

Preaching  over the next several Sundays will include:
Sunday, August 1 - the Rev. Dr. David Sharrard
Sunday, August 8 - the Rev. Dr. John Cavendish
Sunday, August 15- the Rev. Dr. David Sharrard

Sunday Conversations will be on summer break during the month of August.
Look for Sunday Conversations to resume on Sunday, September 5, 10am.

Inquiry Team Reports - The Walnut Hill Inquiry Team has issued its 
recommendations to the Vestry.  Check out the Walnut Hill Church website, (select "Inquiry Team Recommendations" tab), for
a summary of the Inquiry Team report.  Thanks to the Inquiry Team for their
good work.

Summer Food Drive:  Bring non-perishable food items over the Sundays of the
summer to be part of Walnut Hill's Summer Food Drive.  Place your donations in the 
big blue barrel located in Trinity Hall.  When the barrel is full, God's Pantry will 
distribute the items throughout central and eastern Kentucky.

Watch Your Mail for two important items soon to arrive in your postal mail box 
including the August/September edition of the Walnut Hill Newsletter, and mid-year 
contribution statements.

Thanks to...Mary Lee Snyder and Artie Antrim for providing last Sunday's 
refreshments; Rachel Childress, Executive Director of Lexington Habitat for 
Humanity, for her visit to Walnut Hill; Lisa Smith for her work as editor of the 
Walnut Hill Church Newsletter (print version); Virgil Proffitt for his  work maintaining 
Walnut Hill's contribution and other financial records.

Peace to all.

Mike Ward

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