Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Greetings to all!

We will spend some time over the Sundays of September reflecting on the 
parables of Jesus. 

A parable is a small story with a large point.  Most of the ones Jesus
told have a kind of sad fun about them.  The parables of the Crooked 
Judge, the Sleepy Friend, and the Distraught Father are really jokes in 
their way, at least part of whose point seems to be that a silly question
deserves a silly answer.  In the Prodigal Son, the elder brother's pious
pique when the returning prodigal gets the red-carpet treatment is worthy
of Moliere's Tartuffe, as is the outraged legalism of the Laborers in the 
Vineyard when Johnny-Come-Lately gets as big a slice of the worm as 
the Early Bird.  The point of the Unjust Steward is that's its better to be a
resourceful rascal than a saintly schlemiel; and of the Talents that, 
spiritually speaking, playing the market will get you further than playing
it safe...With parables and jokes both, if you've got to have it explained,
don't bother.
(Frederick Buechner as found in Wishful Thinking)

The Scripture lesson for Sunday, September 5, the sacraments of 
Holy Communion and Holy Baptism:
Luke 15:11-32

Sunday Conversations resume this Sunday, September 5, 10am, in 
Trinity Hall.  Our conversation topic for the month of September will be 
the parables of Jesus, this Sunday focusing on the parable of the "Laborers
in the Vineyard" (Matthew 20:1-16), or as it might be subtitled, "Equal Pay
for Unequal Work."  Come and enjoy a cup of coffee, join the conversation, 
or just listen in.

The Fall Potluck, a delicious Walnut Hill tradition, is coming on Sunday,
September 19.  Bring a salad, side dish, or dessert, and your 
appetite.  We are currently seeking volunteers to help with some details of 
the meal.  Use reply email to inquire about volunteering.

Pakistan Flood Relief - Persons wanting to respond to the recent 
devastating floods in Pakistan may do so at Walnut Hill.  Feel free to bring
an extra offering over the next couple Sundays and place your offering
in the collection basket located in the Sanctuary foyer.  Donations
will be sent to the affected area via our ecumenical partner, Church 
World Service.

In the Community - Central Kentucky Radio Eye (CKRE) is a free service
broadcasting the reading of the current newspaper and other everyday
literature to serve the blind, visually impaired and other physically disabled
persons in central Kentucky.  CKRE is currently recruiting a variety of 
volunteers and is offering a volunteer orientation on September 24, 2:30pm.
For more information about CKRE, visit the website
or call 859-422-6390.

Peace to all.

Mike Ward

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