Friday, July 15, 2011

Sunday at Walnut Hill Church

This Sunday, July 17, at Walnut Hill Church...

Sunday Conversations, 10am, Trinity Hall

Facing the Issues of Mortality

Based on his new book, Eternal Life: A New Vision -
Beyond Religion, Beyond Theism, Beyond Heaven and
Hell, John Shelby Spong discusses these concepts in
an engaging video.  Through his conversational style,
Spong makes these emerging theological understandings
accessible to us.  He also expresses news ways in which 
to combine them with traditional religious concepts.

Morning Worship, 11am, Sanctuary

Sermon - Thin Places
Text - Genesis 28:10-22

Nursery Care and Sunday School for children.

After Worship Gathering, Noon, Trinity Hall

All are invited to gather for refreshments and fellowship.


The Big Blue Barrel has  been placed in Trinity Hall to 
receive your donations of non-perishable food items.
You may bring items any Sunday during the summer. 
Once filled, the barrel contents will be distributed by 
God's Pantry throughout central and eastern Kentucky.

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