Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Greetings to all!

Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, a traditional 
season of reflection.  This year at Walnut Hill, Lent overlaps our 
RENEW program even as the lenten tradition of "letting go" creates
space for new life and "renewal."  Dorothy Bass expresses it well...

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, when we remember by the smudges
on our foreheads that we are dust and to dust we shall return, and 
ends on Maundy Thursday, when Jesus is sentenced to death.
Although it begins and ends with a cross, however, Lent's name 
means "spring," and its purpose is a springtime purpose.  This
season opens a renewing space in time, a trench into which we 
shovel whatever must die in us - different for each person - before
new life can come.  Making good on this opportunity requires 
intention and attention...We do the earthy housekeeping of self-
examination, and we confess that we have not been paying 
attention.  Just as Jesus will soon be buried in the tomb, we bury
some of what separates us from him.
(from Receiving the Day)

Ash Wednesday worship opportunities are available at various
churches around Lexington including:
*Christ Church Cathedral at 12:05pm and 7:00pm
*Second Presbyterian Church at 7:00pm

RENEW News - "Be part of it, and experience the renewal!"

*Sunday (Feb 26) Focus: God Calls Us and Helps Us Heal - 
Scripture lessons - Romans 7:14-25; Luke 4:1-13; John 8:1-11.
We will explore the Sunday focus in our Sunday Conversation (10am),
Morning Worship (11am), and Sunday School for children (11am).

*Small Groups are meeting during the RENEW season on Sunday 
evenings (co-ed), Monday evenings (co-ed), and Thursday 
mornings (women).   Use reply email or call the church office
(263-5304) for information and/or to join a small group.

*RENEW Home Activity Booklets are available in the Sanctuary 
foyer.  Use reply email or call the church office if you need to have 
a booklet delivered to you.

*Sermon Recordings during the RENEW season are available via
the internet at .

Sunday Hospitality

A host(s) is needed for our after worship gathering this Sunday,
February 26.  Sunday refreshments need not be elaborate, just 
something simple to gather around as we fellowship.   Use reply
email or call the church office (263-5304) to volunteer for this
Sunday, or check the sign up sheet in the Sanctuary foyer to host
a Sunday later in the winter or spring.  Thanks to all our recent 
Sunday hosts!

Peace to all.

Mike Ward

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