Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Greetings to all!

The recent events in Ferguson, Missouri, remind us of the frustration,
anger, and potential for violence existing just below the surface of our 
society.  A spark of injustice, actual or perceived, can ignite a destructive 
fire.  For those of us living at a distance, literally or figuratively, from these
events, the challenge is to understand the roots of the anger seen and
heard in the demonstrations.  For those living in the affected neighborhoods,
the challenge is to voice their grievances forcefully without doing violence 
to others or themselves.  For all of us, the words of Martin Luther King, Jr.,
might offer some insight.

I would not wish to give the impression that nonviolence will accomplish
miracles overnight.  Men are not easily moved from their mental ruts or
purged of their prejudiced and irrational feelings.  When the 
underprivileged demand freedom, the privileged at first react with
bitterness and resistance.  Even when the demands are couched in
nonviolent terms, the initial response is substantially the same ... But
the nonviolent approach does something to the hearts and souls of 
those committed to it.  It gives them new self-respect.  It calls up the
resources of strength and courage that they did not know they had.
Finally, it so so stirs the conscience of the opponent that reconciliation
becomes a reality.
(from "Pilgrimage to Nonviolence" as found in Strength to Love)

The Scripture lessons for Sunday, August 24...
Exodus 1:8 - 2:10
Romans 12:1-8
Matthew 16:13-20

WELCOMING THE STRANGER...a conversation about the work of
Kentucky Refugee Ministries, will be held this Sun, Aug 24, 10am,
in Trinity Hall. Our special guest will be Ms. Dabney Parker, 
Volunteer Coordinator for KRM.  This conversation follows up our
recent cycling ride at which over $1,500 was raised to provide
bicycles for refugee families.  

Adult Faith Formation is the topic of a conversation to be held this
Sat, Aug 23, 10am, at the home of Mike Ward (341 Albany Rd)
We will talk about Walnut Hill's current programs (e.g Sunday 
Conversations, and EOS) intended to promote faith/spiritual growth 
as well as explore new program ideas.  Use reply email to let us know 
if you plan to attend, and/or if you have ideas to share.

Sanctuary Reopened - The Walnut Hill Sanctuary has opened for
worship again after 4 weeks of refurbishing! Thanks to all who
supported this effort through their gifts of time, talent, patience, 
and dollars!  See you in the Sanctuary this Sunday, 11am.

SUNDAY REFRESHMENTS - Take a moment to check out
the online refreshment sign up sheet, and sign up to host
a Sunday later in the summer or fall.  You will find the sign up
sheet at this link ...  Sunday Refreshments .  Thanks to all our
refreshment hosts!


Walnut Hill is currently seeking a caregiver to staff the church
nursery on Sunday mornings from 10:30am - 12:30pm.  Visit the 
link ( Nursery Caregiver ) for a complete job description and
contact information.  Direct inquiries and referrals are welcome.


Walnut Hill is currently seeking an activity leader to staff the church's
ministry with and to middle and high school youth.  Visit the 
link ( youth leader ) for a complete job description and 
information.  Direct inquiries and referrals are welcome.

Hope Center Items:  While you are traveling or shopping this 
summer, remember that we are gathering "travel size" toiletry 
items (e.g. shampoo,toothpaste, soap, etc) for donation to the 
Hope Center.  Simply bring your items to Walnut Hill and place 
them in the "Hope Center" container found in the Sanctuary Foyer.

The Vestry will meet this Sun, Aug 24, 9:30am, in the upstairs
office of Trinity Hall.

Peace to all.

Mike Ward

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