Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Greetings to all!

As we conclude our EOS journey through the Sermon on the Mount,
we learn that the crowds were astonished (Mt 7:28) at what they heard.
Huston Smith comments on the "astonishment" often experienced by
those who heard Jesus' teaching…

They were astonished, and with reason.  If we are not, it is because
we have heard Jesus' teachings so often that their edges have been
worn smooth, dulling their glaring subversiveness.  If we could recover 
their original impact, we too would be startled.  Their beauty would not 
paper over the fact that they are "hard sayings," presenting a scheme of 
values so counter to the usual as to shake us like a seismic collision of 
tectonic plates.
(from The Soul of Christianity)

As a parting EOS practice I might suggest taking the time this week
to read the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5 - 7) in one sitting.

Sunday Conversations continue this Sun, May 29, 10am, in Trinity
Hall.  Sunday Conversation topics range widely from week to week.
Watch the Friday update for this Sunday's topic.

Resettlement Update:  The Al-Nawasra family continues settling in to 
their Lexington home.  Recent activities have included English classes, 
grocery shopping trips, medical exams, social security registration, and
learning to use the LexTran bus system.  Numerous Walnut Hill members 
and friends have been helping out in various ways.  Thanks to all!

Summer Hospitality:  We are recruiting refreshment hosts for our
summer after worship gatherings.  Please visit the online sign up or 
check the sign up sheet in the Sanctuary foyer to volunteer for a Sunday 
this summer.  Thanks to all our after worship hosts.

Exploring Our Spirituality:  We complete our spring, 2016, EOS
season this week.  Use reply email to let us know what you found to be 
meaningful and helpful for you this EOS season.  A final reminder, EOS 
season sermons are available at EOS sermons.

Project Linus: If you have leftover fabric, thread, yarn, etc. from previous 
projects, feel free to bring them to Walnut Hill over the next couple Sundays.  
Your items will be donated to Project Linus , Lexington chapter, to make 
blankets, etc, for children in various situations of need such as in hospitals 
and shelters.

Peace to all.

Mike Ward

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