Monday, June 13, 2016

A Prayer for These Days

June 13, 2016

Dear Walnut Hill Members and Friends,

Once again our nation is reeling from an event of mass violence 
combining themes of terror and hate, this one in Orlando, Florida.  
The investigation continues; the analysis and pronouncements begin.

In the midst of it all, I invite us to prayer for the grieving, the injured,
those traumatized, as well as those who, for whatever reason, act
out in violence toward others.

As a father has compassion upon his children,
and as a mother comforts her children,
so I will comfort you, says the Lord.
Gracious God, we pray comfort for the grieving,
healing for those injured in body or spirit,
hope for those whose lives have been shattered.
We pray a new heart for those consumed by hatred.
Be with our nation, to respond with wisdom and courage.
Be with your people, to offer words and deeds 
of peace, compassion and understanding.
In the name and spirit of Christ we pray.  Amen.

We will certainly be reflecting on these events next Sunday.
Between now and then, please feel free to contact me if some
individual pastoral conversation would be helpful for you.

Peace be with you.

Mike Ward

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