Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Greetings to all!

Our family has just returned from a couple weeks vacation at the Outer Banks (NC),
and so we face the familiar challenge of all those who return to the "real world" after 
some time away. In her classic book, Gift from the Sea, Anne Morrow Lindbergh finds 
wisdom in "selective" shell hunting, in which one picks up only a few shells rather than 
as many as can be stuffed into one's pocket.

For the natural selectivity of the island I will have to substitute a conscious selectivity
based on another sense of values - a sense of values I have become more aware of
here.  Island-precepts, I might call them if I could define them, signposts toward
another way of living.  Simplicity of living, as much as possible, to retain a true
awareness of life.  Balance of physical, intellectual and spiritual life.  Work without
pressure.  Space for significance and beauty.  Time for solitude and sharing. Closeness
to nature to strengthen understanding and faith in the intermittency of life: life of the
spirit, creative life and the life of human relationships. A few shells.

School begins today in Fayette County and other communities.  Consider the following 
prayer as you see activity around the schoolhouse this week:

Almighty God, we beseech Thee with Thy gracious favor to behold our universities,
colleges and schools, that knowledge may be increased among us, and all good
learning flourish and abound.  Bless all who teach and all who learn, and grant that 
in humility of heart they may ever look unto Thee, who art the fountain of all wisdom;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen
(from the Walnut Hill Worship Book)

The lectionary readings for Sunday, August 14….
Isaiah 5:1-7
Hebrews 11:29 - 12:2
Luke 12:49-56

Sunday Conversations continue this Sunday, August 14, 10am, in Trinity Hall.
Sunday Conversation topics vary from week to week.  As we like to say, come enjoy
a cup of coffee, join the conversation, or just listen in.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated this Sunday, August 14,
during Morning Worship.  

Sunday Hospitality - Thanks to all our hosts over these recent Sundays who have
provided hospitality for members, friends and visitors, including our visiting worship
leaders. The remaining Sundays of August, including this Sunday, August 14, are
open for your hospitality.  Use reply email or check the online sign up sheet to host
a Sunday upcoming.

Trinity Hall Update - Work continues in the basement of Trinity Hall to prepare 
classroom and storage space to be shared between the church and the weekday 
school.  Feel free to have a look at the work in progress on Sunday. 

Kroger Community Rewards - August is re-enrollment month for the Community
Rewards program through which Walnut Hill has received over $1,000 in the past
year.  Participants must re-enroll and designate Walnut Hill to continue receiving 
the benefit of your shopping.  Visit "Community Rewards" or call 800-576-4377 to 
re-enroll or enroll for the first time.  Walnut Hill Church's organization number is 46525.  
Contact the church office if you have any questions regarding your participation.

Thanks to all whose leadership and service made it possible for the Ward family
to enjoy a couple weeks of vacation and family time.  More than 20 persons took
on specific tasks that made it possible for Walnut Hill's ministry to continue without
interruption.  Thanks to all!

Peace to all,

Mike Ward  



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