Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Greetings to all!

Christmas is just a few days away. So are you feeling the Christmas 
spirit? What is the Christmas spirit?  Ann Weems offers a few poetic 
thoughts on that subject.

The Christmas spirit
is that hope
which tenaciously clings
to the hearts of the faithful
and announces
in the face
of any Herod the world can produce
and all the inn doors slammed in our faces
and all the dark nights of our souls
that with God
all things still are possible,
that even now
unto us
a Child is born!

(as found in Kneeling in Bethlehem)

Christmas Weekend at Walnut Hill…
Sat, Dec 24, 5pm - Christmas Eve Family Service - All
ages are invited to celebrate the birth of Jesus through scriptures,
carols and candlelight.  (Flameless candles will be used.)
Sat, Dec 24, 9pm - Evening Prayer Fireside - We will gather
around the fireplace in Trinity Hall for this quiet service to welcome
Christ into the world and into our lives.
Sun, Dec 25, 11am - Worship and Holy Communion - We
will read, sing and reflect on the Christmas story and celebrate the
Sacrament of Holy Communion.

The Innkeeper's Offering will be received on Christmas Eve. This
offering supports the Salvation Army's efforts to provide shelter for
homeless women, children and families.

Christmas Party Thanks go out to our host, Mary Ann, and to all
who attended and brought delicious holiday treats to enjoy.  It was
a most festive occasion.  Thanks to all!

Sanctuary Decorations - Thanks to all who contributed toward this
year's Sanctuary decorations, which are beautiful.  Poinsettia
sponsors are welcome to take their plants home after worship on
Christmas Day.

Year End Giving - Don't forget that all regular offerings and special 
fund contributions to Walnut Hill Church must be received in hand 
(or postmarked) by December 31 to be counted as 2016 charitable 
gifts.  This Sunday, Dec 25, is the last Sunday of the calendar year.  
Thanks to all those who support Walnut Hill's life and ministry!

Planning Team Report - Thanks to all who attended the recent 
planning team presentation.  It is not too late to offer your responses 
to the planning team recommendations and/or landscape concepts.  
The program recommendations are available on the Walnut Hill Church
website, and the landscape drawings will be displayed for your review 
in Trinity Hall for the next several Sundays. Please offer your questions, 
suggestions, etc, to any Vestry member. The Vestry will be following up 
on these recommendations and concepts in the new year.

Merry Christmas!

Mike Ward

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