Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Greetings to all!

This Sunday, May 21, we skip ahead a few days and consider the story
of the Ascension of the Lord, a fantastic story by any reckoning. Clearly
we seem to be in the realm of myth as we read of Jesus ascending into
heaven, but perhaps there is something more down to earth about this
story than initially meets the eye.  Father Thomas Keating invites us to
bring our "intuitions" to bear in regard to the ascension…

The grace of the ascension enables us to perceive the irresistible
power of the Spirit transforming everything into Christ despite any and
all appearances to the contrary.  In the misery of the ghetto, the
battlefield, the concentration camp; in the family torn by dissension;
in the loneliness of the orphanage, old-age home, or hospital ward…
the light of the ascension is burning with irresistible power.  This is
one of the greatest intuitions of the faith.

(as found in Active Meditations for Contemplative Prayer)

The scripture lessons for the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord…
Acts 1:1-11
Ephesians 1:15-23
Luke 24:44-53

Sunday Conversations continue this Sunday, May 21, as we explore
the Kerygma, the earliest proclamation about Jesus as the Christ. This
proclamation shaped the church's "memory" regarding Jesus. What
is our "proclamation" about Jesus today? Come, enjoy a cup of coffee, 
join the conversation, or just listen in.

SPRING POTLUCK - Sunday, May 21, immediately after worship.
Bring a salad, side dish, or dessert and join us for this delicious Walnut
Hill tradition.  Meat and beverage will be provided.

Pictorial Directory - We are in the process of taking photos of and
gathering updated contact information from Walnut Hill members and 
friends for inclusion in a new pictorial directory to be published later this
summer.  Stop by the courtyard after worship to be photographed
and update your contact information.  It's quick and painless!

Nathaniel Mission - We are supporting the Nathaniel Mission this
month in two ways…
…gathering supplies and new children's books for their summer 
day camp.  Supplies/books must be brought to Walnut Hill by this Sunday, 
May 21.
serving the evening meal at the Mission this Sunday, May 21,
4pm - 6pm.
Use reply email to request a list of needed camp supplies and/or to
volunteer to help serve this Sunday evening's meal.

The Walnut Hill Mission Experience is coming June 9 - 11.  We will 
spend the weekend at Camp Burnamwood (Estill Co.) and engage in 
service in the surrounding communities.  All ages (12 yrs and older) are 
welcome and needed.  Use reply email for more information.

Thanks to a great crew of volunteers for their good work at our grounds
work day last Saturday.  Based on the amount of branches, clippings and
other debris hauled off the grounds, much good work was accomplished.
Thanks also to Environmental Landscape LLC for providing a truck to
help with debris removal.

Peace to all.

Mike Ward

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