Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Greetings to all!

Stephen Hawking, the renowned physicist, has died.  In his 2001 book, The 
Universe in a Nutshell, he built on his previous book, A Brief History of Time
revealing the ever evolving process of discovery.  Commenting on that 
process, Hawking observed…

In 1998, when A Brief History of Time was first published, the ultimate Theory 
of Everything seemed to be just over the horizon.  How has the situation 
changed since then? Are we any closer to our goal? … we have advanced a 
long way since then.  But it is an ongoing journey still, and the end is not yet in 
sight.  According to the old saying, it is better to travel hopefully than to arrive.  
Our quest for discovery fuels our creativity in all fields, not just science.  If we 
reached the end of the line, the human spirit would shrivel and die.  But I don't 
think we will ever stand still: we shall increase in complexity, if not in depth, and 
shall always be at the center of an expanding horizon of possibilities. 

The lectionary texts for March 18, the Fifth Sunday in Lent…

Gnosticism Goes to the Movies, an exploration of ancient spirituality in
modern cinema, concludes this Sunday, March 18, 10am, in Trinity Hall. We 
will continue our discussion of gnosticism in Paul's writings and do some
summing up of previous conversations. The film for this Sunday is Star Trek V: 
The Final Frontier .

Children's Choir - Children through elementary age are invited to gather this 
Sunday, 10am, in Trinity Hall for music and singing in anticipation of a music 
presentation later in the spring.

THANKS to all those who responded so enthusiastically to our appeal for
after worship hosts.  Your response enabled us to fully subscribe all the
Sundays through April, and even more, it was a strong affirmation of the
importance of the after worship gathering!  It is not too late to volunteer for
a Sunday in May or later. Visit the online sign up, or check out the traditional
sign up sheet in the Sanctuary foyer.

Holy Week Schedule - Mark your calendar for Holy Week activities including…
Sun, Mar 25, Palm Sunday - Morning Worship (11am) and Egg Hunt (Noon)
Thu, Mar 29, Maundy Thursday - Evening Prayer and Sacrament (7pm)
Sun, Apr 1, Easter Sunday - Sunrise Service (7am), Morning Worship and
Holy Communion (11am).

Easter Lilies - As is our custom, we will be decorating the Sanctuary with lilies 
for our Easter Sunday celebration.  You may sponsor a lily for $20/plant. Make
your check payable to Walnut Hill Church, designated "lily".  Let us know if
you would like for your lily sponsorship to be in memory/honor of someone.
Lily sponsors are invited to take their plants home after Easter Sunday services. 

Prayer in Action Days, a public advocacy program sponsored by the Kentucky 
Council of Churches, continues on Tue, Mar 20, 9:30am, at the Capitol Annex 
Building in Frankfort. This Tuesday's program will focus on responsible lending. 
Visit Prayer in Action Days for information regarding upcoming Prayer in Action 
gatherings and check out the bulletin board in Trinity Hall for information from 
previous gatherings. 


Mike Ward

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