Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Greetings to all!

This coming Sunday is Reformation Sunday commemorating Martin Luther's
posting of the Ninety-five Theses on the cathedral door in Wittenberg (Oct 31, 
1517), the traditional beginning of the Protestant Reformation.  Whatever we 
might think of its causes and outcomes, the Reformation was truly a pivotal 
moment in Western history, and its effects continue to ripple among us. Now 
501 years later, some (like the late Phyllis Tickle) suggest we might be on the 
cusp (or in the midst) of another pivotal moment, "a 500 year rummage sale" 
that while no doubt disruptive, will yield new and fresh forms of spirituality and 
religion. Some of the old forms will not survive while new forms will arise to take 
their place and carry forward the best of what does survive as well as new and 
fresh insights.  Perhaps it is a good time for the Church to consider what needs 
to be taken to the curb, what needs to be polished up, what needs to be added

The lectionary texts for October 28, the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time…

Sunday Conversations continue this Sun, Oct 28, 10am, as we turn our
attention to the recent UN Intergovernmental Panel report on climate change
and what that report might mean for people of faith.  

Boone Creek Safari - Once again Walnut Hill children/youth and families are 
invited to the Vaughan cabin this Sun, Oct 28, for an afternoon of hiking, relaxing, 
pumpkin carving, and food. This year the invitation is extended to all Walnut 
Hill members and friends regardless of whether or not there are children/youth 
in your household. Attendees are asked to bring a food item to add to the picnic.  
A voluntary offering will also be received for the Catholic Action Center. If you
plan to attend, please rsvp using reply email or by contacting Nell Horman.

The Kentucky Council of Churches will hold its Annual Assembly this week 
(Oct 25-26) at Jeffersontown Christian Church (Louisville).  The theme of this 
year's assembly is "A House Divided".  Mike Ward will attend as a delegate.

For another view of the migrant "caravan" making its way through Central 
America, visit an assessment by Doctors Without Borders .

Thanks to all those (leaders and participants) who helped to make our recent 
series, It "Is" Good, a fascinating exploration of the universe around and
within us.  Audio recordings of Mike's series opening/closing sermons 
(9/9 & 10/21) are available on the Walnut Hill website, and printed copies are 
available by request.

Peace to all.

Mike Ward

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