Wednesday, October 8, 2008

weekly letter

October 8, 2008
Greetings to all!
With all the heavy news surrounding us these day, perhaps we could stand a parable on the lighter side, yet with a point.  The title of the parable, by Anthony DeMello, is "The Contented Fisherman."
     A rich industrialist was horrified to find a fisherman lying lazily beside his boat, smoking a pipe.  "Why aren't you out fishing?" said the industrialist.  "Because I have caught enough fish for the day," said the fisherman. 
     "Why don't you catch some more?"
     "What would I do with it?"
     "You could earn more money" was the reply.  "With that you could have a motor fixed to your boat and go into deeper waters and catch more fish.  Then you would make enough to buy nylon nets.  These would bring you more fish and more money.  Soon you would have enough money to own two boats...maybe even a fleet of boats.  Then you would be rich like me."
     "What would I do then?"
     "Then you could really enjoy life."
     "What do you think I am doing right now?"
~Which would you rather have: a fortune or a capacity for enjoyment.~
(adapted from The Song of the Bird)
The Scripture lessons for Sunday, October 12:
     Exodus 32:1-14
     Philippians 4:1-9
     Matthew 22:1-14
Men's Coffee:  Walnut Hill men are invited to gather for coffee on Saturday, October 11, 8am, at Paneras on Richmond Road.  Feel free to stop in for as long or short a time as your schedule allows.  No rsvp required.
Walnut Hill Working Group - The Walnut Hill Working Group will meet on Sunday, October 12, 10am, in Trinity Hall.  This month's working group session, Following the Money, will focus on Walnut Hill's budget for 2009.  Participants will help craft Walnut Hill's budget priorities for what promises to be a very challenging year ahead.  We will address questions like:  How will the current economic downturn affect Walnut Hill's income?  What plans or programs might need to be delayed or cut back?  How can Walnut Hill reach out to the community in these difficult times?  All members and friends are invited to this important conversation.
The Women's Guild will meet on Monday, October 13, 1:30pm, at the home of Marian Congleton for fellowship and Bible Study.  The Bible Study topic will be:  The Good Life: Finding It and Enjoying It.  All Walnut Hill women are invited to attend.
Men's Dinner - The next Walnut Hill Men's Dinner is scheduled for Tuesday, October 14, 6pm, at Buddy's (corner of Euclid Ave and East High St).  Our guest for the evening will be Mr. David O'Neal, chairman of the Fayette County Democratic Party, who will offer observations regarding the current campaign/election season.  Use reply email, the sign up sheet in the Sanctuary, or contact Gene Brockopp to rsvp.
In the Community:
     *The Annual Old Richmond Road Neighborhood Association Meeting and Potluck Dinner will be held on Monday, October 13, 6pm, at the Jean Farris Winery.  Contact Mary Diane Hanna to rsvp (263-4231 or
     *The Interfaith Alliance of the Bluegrass is sponsoring "Dialogue and Dessert," an opportunity to share with others about their various religious traditions.  Interfaith groups of 8 - 10 participants will meet for five consecutive weeks (Mon, Tue, Wed, or Thu from October 20 - November 20, from 7 - 9pm).  Participants may choose the particular evening that works best for them.  For more information or to register for a group, contact Jack Morris at 273-0458 or
Thanks, news, etc....
     *Thanks to...Melissa Holland, President of the KY Council of Churches, for her visit at Walnut Hill on Ecumenical Sunday and to all our members who helped to make the worship service a meaningful celebration; Cory Sharrard for her work with the children last Sunday; Kim Bloomfield, Kathleen and Art Weinberg for providing our refreshments last Sunday.
     *The Fall Fellowship Dinners are beginning this weekend with two dinner groups gathering on October 10.  Two more groups will gather on October 25.  Thanks to all hosts and guests, and thanks especially to Sherry Warden and Dorothy Brockopp for their work in coordinating the dinners.
Peace to all.
Mike Ward   

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