Friday, February 12, 2010

Sunday at Walnut Hill

This Sunday, February 14, at Walnut Hill Church

Sunday Conversations, 10am, Trinity Hall

Oneness and the Heart of the World

Our conversation will feature a video presentation
by Father Thomas Keating.  With humor and wisdom,
Father Keating discusses the dynamic nature of God
and the paradox implicit in experiencing divine oneness.
In his words, "At every moment, oneness is offered to us
in a different way."

Thomas Keating is one of the foremost teachers of 
contemplative prayer in the Christian tradition.  He is the 
author of many books, and he frequently participates
in dialogues with contemplatives of various religions.

Nursery care is available upon request.  Contact the 
church office (263-5304) to request nursery care for
your little one(s) during the conversation hour.

Morning Worship, 11am, Sanctuary

Sermon:  Breaking Their Silence
Text:  Luke 9:28-36

Nursery Care and Sunday School for children.

Youth Discussion, 11am, Trinity Hall

Nooma video series.

In case of wintry weather

If wintry weather on Sunday leaves you wondering
about our services, feel free to call the church
office (263-5304).  By 9am on wintry Sunday
mornings a message will be available on the 
church phone reporting the status of that day's
services and activities

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