Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

February 3, 2010

Greetings to all!

Peter Gomes, an American Baptist and minister of Harvard's Memorial
Church, offers the following thoughts regarding young people and love.

I am convinced that what this generation of young people most desires
to know is the love of God and the love of family and friends. I
believe that the young are tired of the vulgar ubiquity of the cheap
and sensational substitutes for love, and long for the real thing.
They know that this culture of "love," as a four letter word, is, as
they say in country and western music, "genuine rhinestone," and that
the real thing is capable of sustaining every shock and tribulation
known to this tired old planet, including things past, things present,
and things to come.

What do our young people want when everything they have turns to dust
and ashes? They want something that is patient and kind, not arrogant
or rude, not irritable or resentful, but that rejoices in the right.
They want something that bears all things, believes all things, hopes
all things, endures all things. Now they are growing up, even as
collectively we are all growing up, putting away the cultural toys and
foolish superficialities of their cultural adolescence, and they don't
know everything, and they can't do everything, but on them and with
them I am willing to bet the future. As was once said of the biblical
Queen Esther in a moment of grave transition and opportunity: perhaps
our young people, restless, hopeful, and able, have been called to the
nation for "just such a time as this."
(from "The Good Life")

The scripture lessons for Sunday, February 7, Holy Communion:
Isaiah 6:1-8
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Luke 5:1-11

SUNDAY CONVERSATIONS continue this Sunday, February 7, 10am, in
Trinity Hall. Our topic for Sunday is "The Scandalous Gospel of
Jesus," as presented through a video by Peter Gomes. The "scandal,"
according to Gomes, is the lack of attention given to the gospel by
Christians. In Gomes' words, "It may be scandalous if we actually
tried to apply it in our feed the hungry, clothe the
naked, love our neighbors...those are dangerous things." Feel free to
enjoy a cup of coffee, join the conversation, or just listen in.
Contact the church office (263-5304) to request childcare during the
conversation hour.

SOUPER BOWL SUNDAY: February 7 is not only a day for great football,
but also delicious soup as the children and youth sponsor "Souper Bowl
Sunday." Stay after worship for a bowl of homemade soup, and donate a
dollar to God's Pantry for hunger relief in central and eastern

INCLEMENT WEATHER: Just a reminder that in the event of wintry
weather on Sunday, you can call the church office (263-5304) after 9am
on Sunday morning for an update regarding the status of our worship
service and other activities.

CALLING ALL ARTISTS: Athens-Chilesburg Elementary School is
sponsoring an arts festival in late February and is seeking artists
willing to spend a day at school sharing their art with students.
Volunteers need not be professional artists, but simply persons who
have a passion for some art form and would be willing to share it.
Lunch will be provided. Contact Mike Ward for more information.

HOPE CENTER: As you travel this winter, don't forget that we are
collecting travel and trial size toiletry items to be distributed to
clients of the Hope Center. Donated items should be unopened. Place
your donated items in the "Hope Center" box in the Sanctuary foyer.

THANKS TO...Kathy Steinmetz and John Bauer for our refreshments last
Sunday; Natalie Watt for her work with the children; Garrett Rea for
serving as acolyte.

Peace to all.

Mike Ward

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