Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Walnut Hill Church

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Greetings to all!

Tomorrow, April 1, begins the observance known as "The Triduum," the "three days."  
The Triduum guides us through Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, the
Easter Vigil, and the Resurrection of the Lord.  Maundy Thursday includes the 
remembrance of Jesus' gathering with the disciples before his arrest.  In her book,
The Cloister Walk, Kathleen Norris describes the observance of Maundy Thursday
in a monastery she was visiting at the time.

The Triduum begins with the singing of the "Ubi Caritas" in the monastic refectory;
the words of the great medieval poem - "Where charity and love are found, there
is God" - set the tone for our meal and the liturgy that follows.  I know Benedictines
who could transform a meal at McDonald's into a love feast, but this is ridiculous.
"Love one another," the abbot reads from the Gospel of John.  At this moment, at 
this table, it seems possible.

After the feast, I stand with the rest of the schola in the chilly cloister walk.  As we'll
lead the procession into church, we wait there for the community to line up behind
us.  This is the night Jesus spends in the garden of Gethsemane, praying by the 
vigil light of the stars.  Near midnight, the abbot will wrap up the Eucharist in a cloth
and carry it out of the church.

Maundy Thursday at Walnut Hill, April 1, 6pm:  You are invited to gather at Walnut
Hill for a simple meal and program of reflection, "Love One Another."  Please bring
a fruit, cheese, or bread item for the meal.  Soup and beverage will be provided.  After
our meal together, adults and children will have separate activities for reflection.  We
will close the evening (around 7:30pm) with prayer and song.  

Good Friday: There are numerous opportunities for worship on Good Friday
*Noon at Second Presbyterian Church
*Noon and 7pm at Christ Church Cathedral

Holy Saturday:  Spend some quiet time on Holy Saturday reflecting on the meaning of
Christ's passion and on the hope of resurrection, both for this life and the life to come.

Easter Sunday, April 4, at Walnut Hill:
*7am, Sunrise Service - We will gather in the Walnut Hill Cemetery as dawn 
breaks to bear witness to the Resurrection of the Lord.  In the case of inclement 
weather, the service will be held in the Sanctuary.
*11am, Morning Worship and Holy Communion - We will gather in the Sanctuary
for a traditional communion liturgy in celebration of Christ's resurrection.  Nursery
care and Sunday School will be available for children.
*Noon - Refreshments and Fellowship - Bring a plate of cookies for the 
refreshment table.
    -Easter Egg Hunt - Children are invited to hunt for eggs and treats on the
church grounds. Parents, please bring a basket for your child as well as a dozen stuffed
eggs to add to the hunt.

One Great Hour of Sharing: The One Great Hour of Sharing offering will be received
on Easter Sunday.  The OGHS supports disaster relief and refugee resettlement efforts
around the world.  If your family has been using an OGHS collection box at home,
please return it to the church on Easter Sunday.

Peace to all.

Mike Ward

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