Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Greetings to all!

Stephen Covey died this week.  You might remember Mr. Covey as an
entrepreneur, management consultant, motivational speaker, and author 
of numerous books including The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (1989).  
In the Foreword to the 2004 edition of The 7 Habits..., Covey listed a number 
of challenges facing humankind today, including "the hunger to be understood."

Few needs of the human heart are greater than the need to be understood - 
to have a voice that is heard, respected, and valued - to have influence.  Most 
believe that the key to influence is communication - getting your point across 
clearly and speaking persuasively.  In fact, if you think about it, don't you find that, 
while others are speaking to you, instead of really listening to understand, you 
are often busy preparing your response?  The real beginning of influence comes 
as others sense you are being influenced by them - when they feel understood by 
you- that you have listened deeply and sincerely, and that you are open. But most 
people are too vulnerable emotionally to listen deeply - to suspend their agenda 
long enough to focus on understanding before they communicate their own ideas.  
Our culture cries out for, even demands, understanding and influence.  However, 
the principle of influence is governed by mutual understanding born of the 
commitment of a least one person to deep listening first.

Mid-Summer Evenings Together  

"What Does the Lord Require?"

Wednesdays, July 18 and 25

6:00pm - 7:30pm

Each evening includes:
-fellowship meal
-Bible study and activities for all ages (nursery for young children)
-service of Evening Prayer

Our study focus this evening will be "to love kindness."

This evening's (July 18) meal will be pizza and salad.  (You do not need
to bring any food items for the meal.  Cash donations will be accepted.)


The Walnut Hill Pancake Ride was held on Saturday, July 14.  Thanks
to the 70 cyclists and 25 volunteers who participated.  A good time was
had by all!  Ride photos have been posted on the church Facebook page.
Search " Walnuthill Church " (note no space in Walnuthill) on Facebook.


Sunday Conversations continue this Sunday, July 22, 10am, with a 
continuation of our conversation, "Gospel Without Borders," focusing on a 
"gospel" response to immigration issues.


"Take Me Out to the Ballgame!" - Join your fellow Walnut Hill friends for an 
evening of baseball on Friday, July 27,  as the Lexington Legends take on the 
Hagerstown Suns. First pitch is 7:05pm.  Tickets are $7. Use reply email to place 
your ticket order. 


Walnut Hill Hospitality: A Cookbook (LAST CALL) - Plans are in the works 
for a Walnut Hill cookbook featuring dishes that we have shared together on 
occasions such as seasonal potlucks, Souper Bowl Sunday, and our regular 
after worship gatherings.  Bring your recipe (including title, your name, ingredients, 
and directions) to Walnut Hill any Sunday over the next several weeks, and place 
your recipe in the collection envelope posted on the bulletin board in the Sanctuary.  
You may also send your recipe by reply email.

Peace to all.

Mike Ward


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