Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Greetings to all.


A Prayer for Those Affected by Hurricane Sandy:  
Almighty and Everlasting God, you are the comfort of the sad and strength to those 
who suffer.  Let the prayers of your children who are in any trouble rise to you.  To 
everyone in distress grant mercy, grant relief, and grant refreshment; through Jesus 
Christ our Lord. Amen.
(from the Book of Common Worship - Daily Prayer)

Responding to Hurricane Sandy: Church World Service, our ecumenical outreach 
partner, has already begun responding to needs occasioned by Hurricane Sandy.  
Persons attending Walnut Hill this Sunday will have opportunity to contribute toward
this response.  To learn more, or to donate, visit


November 1 is All Saints' Day, which we will observe on Sunday, November 4.  
Frederick Buechner offers a reflection regarding "saints".

Many people think of saints as plaster figures or moral exemplars, men and women 
of such paralyzing virtue that they never thought a nasty thought or did an evil deed their 
whole lives long.  As far as I know, real saints never even come close to characterizing 
themselves that way...In other words, the feet of saints are as much of clay as everybody 
else's, and their sainthood consists less of what they have done than of what God has for 
some reason chosen to do through them.  When you consider that Saint Mary Magdalene 
was possessed by seven devils, that Saint Augustine prayed, "Give me chastity..., but not 
now," that Saint Francis started out as a high-living young dude in downtown Assisi, and 
that Saint Simeon Stylites spent years on top of a sixty-foot pillar, you figure that maybe 
there's nobody God can't use as a means of grace including ourselves.  The Holy Spirit 
has been called "the Lord, the giver of life," and drawing their power from that source, 
saints are essentially life-givers.  To be with them is to become more alive.
(adapted from Wishful Thinking)


Dinner & Program - Friday, November 2, 6:30pm, Bronte Bistro at  Joseph Beth:  
Walnut Hill men and women, and guests, are invited to a dinner and program focusing 
on the campaign/political season. Mrs. K. C. Crosbie, a member of KY Republican Party 
Executive Committee, will be our program guest.  Rsvp by reply email or by calling the
church office (263-5304).


The Annual Meeting of the Congregation of Walnut Hill Church will be held on Sunday, 
November 11, immediately after morning worship.  The congregational meeting will be
followed by the annual meeting of the Walnut Hill Church Cemetery Association.  All 
Walnut HIll Church Members and Friends have the privilege of voice and vote at both 


Exploring Our Spirituality (EOS) - We are currently in the midst of the EOS season, 
an opportunity for the community and its members to reflect on various aspects of 
the spiritual life.  EOS opportunities include:
*Sunday Conversations and morning worship exploring weekly EOS themes.
*Weekly Home Flyers with suggestions for individual and family reflection and 
action.  Look for the weekly flyers in the Sanctuary foyer.
*EOS Small Groups, evening and daytime, providing opportunity for fellowship 
and further exploration of the EOS themes. Use reply email or call the church office
(263-5304) for small group meeting times and locations.
Feel free to participate in whatever EOS activities are meaningful for you.

Peace to all.

Mike Ward

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