Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Greetings to all!

The best way, perhaps the only way, to navigate through Holy Week
is with prayer, not so much a prayer read from a book, or recited from
memory, but rather the prayer of a heart and mind open and listening...
for the mercy of God.
for the grace of God.
for the love of God.
Listen for these and other gifts in the echoes of an old story first told
centuries ago, and listen also in the echoes of your own experience, 
in the trials, in the fellowship with others, in the suffering, in the moments 
of new life, and myriad other ways that God's mercy, grace, and love are
made known to you this Holy Week, and always.


Simple Meal and Evening Prayer - Join us Thursday, April 2, 6:30pm
as we gather for a simple meal and evening prayer to remember and 
reflect upon the passion of Christ.  Bring a simple meal item 
(e.g.  a plate of sandwiches, fruit, cheese, etc) to share.  After our meal 
together, adults will share a service of evening prayer and the sacrament
of the Lord's Supper.  Nursery care and activities will be provided for 


Easter Sunrise Service, 7am, Walnut Hill Cemetery - Join us for this 
informal gathering to hear the good news of the Risen Christ.  Dress for 
the outdoors.  In case of inclement weather, the service will be held in 
the Sanctuary.

Sunday Conversations, 10am, Trinity Hall - In the spirit of Easter Day
and our spring EOS season (see below), our topic for this Sunday's
conversation will be "The Resurrection of Jesus: Physical or Spiritual,"
based on an essay by Marcus Borg.

Morning Worship, 11am, Sanctuary - This service will include a 
traditional liturgy and the sacrament of Holy Communion to celebrate
the good news of Easter.  Nursery care and Sunday School will be
available for children.

After Worship Gathering, Noon, Trinity Hall - All are invited to gather
for refreshments and fellowship.  Bring a plate of Easter treats to share
for our gathering time.

One Great Hour of Sharing - The OGHS offering will be received on
Easter morning.  If you have been collecting coins during the Lenten
season, bring them on Easter morning.  You may also donate by
cash or checks payable to Walnut Hill Church.  The OGHS supports
disaster and hunger relief,  water projects, and human empowerment
around the world. 


EXPLORING OUR SPIRITUALITY - 2015 is coming, beginning April 5.  
This spring's 
theme, Experiencing the Risen Christ, uses the New 
narratives as the starting point for our reflection.  
Small group 
registration is 
ongoing now for groups to meet on Sunday 
evening, Tuesday 
evening, and Thursday morning.
  Use reply email for 
more information and/or 
to register for a small group.


The Walnut Hill Cemetery Association will hold its annual meeting on
Sunday, April 12, immediately after Morning Worship, in the Walnut Hill 
Sanctuary.  Business will include the President's report on 2014 cemetery 
activity, the Secretary-Treasurer's report, election of officers, and proposed 
changes to the Cemetery Rules and Regulations.  All Members/Friends of 
Walnut Hill Church are members of the Cemetery Association and are 
encouraged to attend.

Peace to all.

Mike Ward

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