Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Greetings to all!

Today I find myself wondering what our EOS/Eastertide theme, 
"Experiencing the Risen Christ," might have to say in the wake
 of one young man's death, an earthquake, a burning inner city.  
Perhaps we might imagine the Risen Christ ...
...among mourners calling the name "Freddy."
...digging in the rubble of a ruined city with his own wounded 
...glimpsed in the faces of police officers and youth as they stare
into each others' eyes.

However he might appear, whether recognized or not, the Risen 
One ...
...comforts those who mourn.
...strengthens those who are overwhelmed.
...invites combatants to break the cycle of violence and injustice.

Christ is risen.  God's love has prevailed.  All things are possible.

The scripture lesson for Sunday, May 3, the 5th Sunday of Easter
Luke 24:13-35

Sunday Conversations continue this Sunday, May 3, 10am, in
Trinity Hall.  Our conversations continue to be guided by our EOS
theme, "Experiencing the Risen Christ."  Come, enjoy a cup of
coffee, join the conversation, or just listen in.

A Host(s) is needed for our after worship refreshments this
Sunday, May 3.  Use reply email to volunteer for this Sunday
and/or visit the online sign-up sheet to host a Sunday later in
the spring/summer.

CWS Hygiene Kits:  Thanks to a generous congregation and
a hard working youth team, over 50 hygiene kits will soon be 
on their way to places like Nepal to assist persons recovering 
from disaster.  At the conclusion of their assembling work, each 
youth, with a kit in hand, offered a prayer to accompany the kits
to their various destinations.

Exploring Our Spirituality (EOS) began on Easter Sunday. Our 
theme for this EOS season is "Experiencing the Risen Christ," 
focusing on the resurrection stories found in the New Testament.  
You may participate in EOS in any/all of the following ways:
*Sunday Conversations, 10am, Sunday mornings
*Morning Worship, 11am, Sunday mornings (visit 
Sunday sermons to hear recordings of EOS season sermons)
*EOS small groups, meeting on Sunday evenings,Tuesday 
evenings, and Thursday mornings (contact the church office, 
263-5304, for information about joining a small group)
*Individual study and reflection
A workbook is available for individual and small group use. 
Contact the church office (263-5304) for a paper copy, or visit
 EOS Workbook for the online version.

NEPAL APPEAL:  Persons attending Walnut Hill this Sunday,
May 3, will have opportunity to make special contributions to
support relief to the earthquake ravaged nation of Nepal.
Cash and checks payable to Walnut Hill Church (designated
"Nepal") will be accepted.  Walnut Hill's contributions will be
sent to Nepal via Church World Service.

The Spring Potluck is coming on Sunday, May 17.  Mark the
date on your calendar and plan to join us for this delicious

Calling All High School Graduates:  If you have a student in
your household graduating from high school this spring, please 
contact the church office by reply email or by phone, so that we 
might recognize his/her accomplishment on May 17.  Please 
do not assume we know.  Thanks!

Peace to all.

Mike Ward

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