Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Greetings to all!

This Sunday, June 10, we will conclude our six week conversation series
regarding the Gospel of Thomas, a recently discovered (1945) text
containing 114 sayings attributed to Jesus.  It is a fascinating collection,
sometimes echoing the New Testament gospels, but more often presenting 
a different picture of Jesus as a wisdom teacher.  As a sample of Jesus' 
teaching as found in the Gospel of Thomas, consider these "sayings" 
regarding the Kingdom of God…

#3 - Jesus said: If your leaders say to you "Look! The Kingdom is in the
sky!" Then the birds will be there before you are.  If they say that the
Kingdom is in the sea, then the fish will be there before you are. Rather,
the Kingdom is within you and it is outside of you.

#113 - His disciples asked him:  When is the Kingdom coming? He replied:
It is not coming in an easily observable manner.  People will not be saying,
"Look, it's over here" or "Look, it's over there."  Rather, the Kingdom of the
Father is already spread out on the earth, and people aren't aware of it.

In Celebration of Thomas:  This Sunday, June 10, we will be celebrating 
the Gospel of Thomas with a 10am Sunday Conversation ("Childish or
Childlike", saying #37) and 11am worship inspired by Thomas.

The lectionary texts for June 10, the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time…

Nursery Volunteers Needed - Due to the happy occasion of a wedding, our
regular nursery caregivers will be away for the next two Sundays, so we
are looking for a few volunteers to fill in during the 11am hour for Sundays,
June 10 and 17.  Use reply email to volunteer, or contact Lauren Fouts.

Walnut Hill Pastor Review - Don't forget to take a few minutes during the
month of June to complete and submit the Walnut Hill Pastor Review
Survey, the results of which will be used by the Vestry in conversation with
Rev. Ward to help him use his time, skills and attention to the greatest
benefit in support of Walnut Hill's life and ministry. In the Sanctuary foyer
you will find instructions for completing the survey online as well as paper
copies of the survey.  You may also use reply email to request a link to
the online survey. All survey responses are individually anonymous. Thank 
you for your participation.

The 7th Annual Walnut Hill Bike Ride will be held on Saturday, July 7, at 
Walnut Hill. You can help by providing food for the event, volunteering on 
the event day, spreading news of the event via word or poster, or attending 
as a participant.  Use reply email for more information.  Proceeds benefit

Hope Center: As is our recent summer custom, we are gathering travel
size toiletry items (toothpaste/brushes, razors, combs, soap, etc) for
guests of the Hope Center.  Place your donated items in the collection box
in the Sanctuary foyer.

Volcano Response - We are currently exploring ways to respond to the
volcanic activity in Hawaii and Guatemala.  Watch for more details in the
Friday update.

Thanks to all who donated craft supplies, books, and cash in support of the
Nathaniel Mission's summer camp program.  We were pleased to deliver
a large amount of supplies and children's books, as well as $250 in
cash, to the Mission's summer camp team.

Peace to all.

Mike Ward

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