Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Greetings to all!

Last weekend we saw the documentary film, Won't You Be My Neighbor?, 
concerning the life and work of Fred Rogers.  In addition to being a great
refreshment to the spirit, the film is also an opportunity to think about how we 
relate, not only to children, but to all people in our world, which is  arguably 
our "neighborhood." I am reminded of some thoughts about "neighbor" offered 
by Kathleen Norris…

It seems clear, from reading the daily news if nothing else, that there will always 
be some in this world who want their holy wars, who will discriminate, vilify, and 
even kill in the name of God. They have narrowed down the concept of neighbor 
to include only those like themselves, in terms of creed, caste, race, sex, or 
sexual orientation.  But there is also much evidence that there are many who 
know that a neighbor might be anyone at all, and are willing to act on that 
assumption.  (from Amazing Grace)

p.s. If you go to see the movie, be prepared to smile a lot and take a tissue with

The lectionary texts for July 1, the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time…

Sunday Conversations continue this Sunday, July 1, 10am, in Trinity Hall.  
Sunday's conversation is titled It's Biblical (?) and focuses on Romans 13
which was recently used by government officials to support a particularly 
controversial policy.  We will take the opportunity to explore what the text 
does/does not require of us in regard to life as citizens.

Walnut Hill Pastor Review - Don't forget to take a few minutes to complete
and submit the Walnut Hill Pastor Review Survey.  Use reply email to request 
a link to the online survey or a paper copy. Survey responses must be be
submitted by June 30.  All survey responses are individually anonymous. 
Thank you for your participation.

The 7th Annual Walnut Hill Bike Ride will be held on Sat, July 7, at Walnut 
Hill Church. You can help by providing food for the event, volunteering on the 
event day, spreading news of the event via word or poster, and/or attending 
as a participant.  Use reply email for more information or visit the Walnut Hill

Hope Center: As is our recent summer custom, we are gathering travel size 
toiletry items (toothpaste/brushes, razors, combs, soap, etc) for guests of
 the Hope Center.  Place your donated items in the collection box in the 
Sanctuary foyer.

Thanks to all those who gathered this past Monday evening to celebrate 
the recently completed work in the cemetery, and thanks to all those who 
helped to support that work with their special donations.  Watch for information
regarding possible future developments.

Peace to all.

Mike Ward

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