Friday, February 8, 2019

Sunday at Walnut Hill Church

This Sunday, February 10, at Walnut Hill Church…

Being Disciples, 10am, Trinity Hall


Being Disciples, an exploration of life as disciples of
Jesus, continues with a conversation about "forgiveness,"
an essential aspect of our lives as disciples, and as
human beings.

Morning Worship, 11am, Sanctuary

Sermon - Glimpsing the Holy
Text - Isaiah 6:1-8

Faith Formation, 11am, Trinity Hall

Nursery care and classes for children and youth.

Elementary -  "The Miraculous Catch" (Luke 5:1-11) as
the disciples are called to become fishers of people. 

Tweens - "The Lord is Our Keeper" (Psalm 23) and
celebrating God's love with hand chimes. 

Youth - "The Miraculous Catch" (Luke 5:1-11) as the
disciples are invited to become fishers of people. 

After Worship Gathering, Noon, Trinity Hall

All are invited to gather for fellowship and refreshments.
Vestry members will be hosting this Sunday's gathering.

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