Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Greetings to all!

   The notion of a "community" within which we practice our faith is very 
much a part of the Christian tradition.  The singular word "disciple" is 
seldom found in the gospels, but frequently is found the plural form, 
"disciples."  Indeed, the Lord's Prayer begins "Our" Father ... rather than 
"My" Father...  The importance of community is not limited to the Christian 
tradition.  In the Buddhist tradition, for instance, the word for community
 is "sangha." Thich Nhat Hanh reflects on the importance of a sangha.

   It is a joy to find ourselves in the midst of a sangha where people
are practicing well together.  Each person's way of walking, eating,
and smiling can be a real help to us.  She is walking for me, I am 
smiling for her, and we do this together, as a sangha.  By practicing
together like this, we can expect a real transformation within us. We
don't have to practice intensively or force ourselves.  We just have to
allow ourselves to be in a good sangha where people are happy,
living deeply each moment, and transformation will come naturally,
without much effort.

   The principle is to organize in the way that is most enjoyable for
everyone.  You will never find a perfect sangha.  An imperfect 
sangha is good enough.  Rather than complain too much about 
your sangha, do your best to transform yourself into a good element
of the sangha.  Accept the sangha and build on it.

(from Touching Peace)
The scripture lessons for the week leading to Sunday, March 3, provide 
opportunity to reflect on the theme of "community."
Luke 17:3-4;  22:24-27;  24:45-49
Acts 2:1-13

Sunday Conversations continue this Sunday, March 3.  Come and 
enjoy a cup of coffee, join the conversation, or just listen in.  Watch 
the Friday update for topic details.

A Host(s) is needed for our after worship refreshments this Sunday, March 3.  
Use reply email to volunteer for this Sunday, or check the sign up sheet in the 
Sanctuary foyer to host a Sunday later in the winter or spring.

EXPLORING OUR SPIRITUALITY (EOS) is underway offering a variety of 
opportunities for your participation including...
*Sunday Conversations (10am) and Morning Worship (11am) around 
the EOS themes.  Join us any Sunday you are able.
*Home Activity flyers with suggestions for individual and family activities.  
Pick up a weekly flyer in the Sanctuary foyer.
*Small Groups meeting on Sunday evenings, Monday evenings, and 
Thursday mornings.  
Use reply email to inquire about EOS activities.

Confirmation study begins this Sunday, March 3, for young people considering
their profession of faith and membership in the church.  It is not too late for
youth to join in.  For more information, contact the church office (263-5304).

Youth Activities Leader:  Walnut Hill Church is currently seeking a
Youth Activities Leader to enhance our ministry with and to young people.
This is a part time, compensated position.  You can help us in the search
by letting us know of anyone of your acquaintance who might be a 
candidate for this position.  A full position description is available by
contacting the church office (263-5304). 

In the Neighborhood:
*Materials gathered at the recent Annual Convention of the Diocese
of Lexington are posted on the bulletin board in Trinity Hall.  These flyers 
and pamphlets describe the various ministries of the Diocese.  Feel free
to take home any item that catches your attention.
*Stay informed and be involved regarding issues before the current session 
of the KY General Assembly by visiting 
(click the "Action" tab). 

Peace to all.

Mike Ward

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