Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Walnut Hill Church Weekly Letter

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Greetings to all!

I heard this morning that at least some of the lately rescued Thai soccer
players will be engaging in a period of monastic practice as a response to 
the prayers, effort, and sacrifice involved in their rescue. I was reminded of 
the gospel story of the 10 persons healed by Jesus. As you might recall, 
one returned to "thank him" (LK 17).  No doubt, Buddhist traditions differ in 
numerous ways from my own. I nonetheless find the notion of seeking to offer 
some response for what one has received from others to be a reminder for 
me of the call to live a life of "gratitude" for gifts great and small, blessings 
seen and unseen.  Through such practices one can embody the words of 
Meister Eckhart, "If the only prayer you said was 'thank you,' that would be 

Preaching for the next three Sundays at Walnut Hill Church will be…
*The Rev. Nancy Jo Kemper (July 22)
*The Rev. John Cavendish (July 29)
*The Rev. David Sharrard (Aug 5), Holy Communion
As always, Morning Worship will be at 11am, with nursery care and 
faith formation for children and youth, followed by the After Worship
Gathering at Noon.

Sunday Conversations (10am) will be on summer holiday for the next
three Sundays, resuming on Sunday, August 12, 10am.

Sunday Hosts - Thanks to all those who responded so quickly to last
Sunday's invitation to host our Sunday refreshments.  We have filled all 
the Sundays through August, with the exception of July 29.  Visit the 
online sign-up sheet to volunteer for July 29 or any Sunday in September.  
Thanks again to all our willing volunteers!

Nursery Volunteers - Our nursery caregivers will be taking a few Sundays
off, so we are in need of a few volunteers to help staff the nursery over the 
next several Sundays.  Contact Lauren if you might be available and willing
to volunteer.  Thanks for your help in extending Walnut Hill hospitality to our 
youngest members and their families.

Men's Coffee gatherings are held Saturday mornings, 8am, at Paneras on 
Richmond Rd. No formal program, just good conversation regarding all kinds 
of topics. Feel free to stop by for as long or short a time as your schedule 
permits.  No rsvp required.

Ecumenical News 
- One of our local ecumenical partners, Pax Christi Catholic Church
has a new pastor.  Father Patrick Stewart recently began his ministry at 
Pax Christi.  We pray blessings upon Father Stewart and the congregation 
of Pax Christi as they minister together in the months and years ahead.
-The Kentucky Council of Churches will hold its 2018 Annual
Assembly, Oct 25 - 26, at Jeffersontown, Kentucky.  The title of the 2018
assembly is "A House Divided."  The keynote speaker will be the
Rev Leah Schade.  Preaching will be the Rev. Paul Prather.

Kroger Rewards - Walnut Hill lately received a check in the amount of
$238 from the Kroger Company, the proceeds of the last quarter's
participation by 29 Walnut Hill households in the Kroger Community
Rewards Program.  Thanks to all those who support Walnut Hill by their

The weekly letter will be on summer holiday for the next two weeks.
Look for the next weekly letter on August 8.

Peace to all.

Mike Ward


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